What does an agronomist do?

Learn what an agronomist does and what you have to study to practice as a professional in this area.Since human beings have planted their first vegetables until modern times there have always been people dedicated to the study of soil, climate and plants. Today we will tell you what  an agronomist does and what attitudes you should have if you want to become one.

The agronomist objective is to optimize the various factors involved in the process of agricultural food production. These factors of production can be the soil, the water, the weather, and even the same foods that we subsequently consume, and it is for this reason that many refer to this system as the social transformation of the agroecosystem.

What do agronomists study?

To be an agronomist or agronomist,  a person must complete a university degree in Agronomy , which lasts for five (5) years.

The curricula will change depending on each university, but in general they will have both theoretical and practical content, with subjects related to exact sciences and to a lesser extent others related to economics and administration.

Some subjects they receive are: physics, chemistry, business management, agribusiness, pest control, irrigation, soil chemistry and genetics.
What skills must an agronomist have?

  • As could be deduced from the above, a good agronomist  is one who uses his knowledge to optimize the productive factors involved in the production of agricultural food.

    Some of the things you can do are:

  • – Manage agricultural resources.
  • – Manage natural resources and their sustainable management, adapting it to the different ecosystems and socio-cultural situations in which it is found.
  • – Understand and apply the principles of conservation and transformation of products of agricultural origin.
  • – Devise business plans and manage commercial systems of goods and services in the agricultural sector to make them economically and socially profitable.

Where can an agronomist work?

– Ministry of Agriculture (Public Organizations).

–  Special Development Projects for Production, Extension or Research.

–  Experts of the Judiciary Municipalities and Forest Entities.

–  Agricultural Administrator , Agribusiness.

–  Non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

–  Supervision of Agricultural Credits in Banks.

–  Analysis and Services Laboratories.

–  Teaching in Universities and Higher Institutes.

–  Specialized consultancies and advice.

by Abdullah Sam
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