What do frogs eat?

The frogs are amphibians who live near ponds, varying in skin tone and size depending on the species. According to this, a frog can measure 30 centimeters, and weigh up to 3 kilos in the largest specimens.

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The  frogs are carnivorous animals , but their power is based depending on their size, but being similar to what they eat when tadpoles. In this phase, the tadpoles feed on algae , debris they find in ponds and other not very solid foods.

Diet in adult frogs

Once they grow up, the frogs begin to feed on other animals , preferably insects, snails or other frogs, depending on their anatomy, as they are called opportunistic predators for the same reason, they depend a lot on the environment and their characteristics to provide their food.

They will generally eat spiders, insects, other frogs, and even mice , always conditional on their size (the bigger they are, the bigger their prey).

Something remarkable about these amphibians is that frogs do not have teeth, but, like snakes, swallow their food whole, so that it is then consumed little by little in their stomach.

To hunt, they use their long tongue, which will quickly stick to its prey, giving it no chance of escape, and then begin to swallow it.

How to feed a frog in captivity

When you have a frog as a pet , it is very important to feed them properly , since although, in the tadpole phase there is no major problem, as they grow they can have difficulties when it comes to recognizing their food.

This is due to their anatomy, since when frogs are small they will eat powdered food, such as fish food, but later they will need some live food.

To solve this, choose to include live flies, worms, worms, or other small insects in your diet . You will either go hunting or ask at a pet food establishment.

As for the frequency of meals, what many veterinarians recommend is to feed your frogs three times a day , following the same feeding guidelines as people, with breakfast, lunch and dinner.

They will probably sell you a vitamin supplement , which is quite useful to compensate for what they cannot obtain from what you feed them, being prepared based on a mollusk that will provide them with the necessary energy to grow strong and healthy.

by Abdullah Sam
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