What causes my cell phone camera to look blurry?

Taking photos is one of the activities that we do the most , although we are not aware of this fact, but we always use our mobile camera to take pictures of a family event, a meal that we prepare, the shopping list, any medicine that we have to buy and in order not to forget the name, we went to take a photo of it. infinities of interactions with the camera. For example, you can learn how to turn your Webcam into a Security camera.

To use the camera application does not necessarily mean that we have to take a photograph , sometimes we just want to see how we look or if we have to retouch the makeup.

Thanks to all these interactions , mobile phone cameras have become one of the most important tools for it and we know that with the passage of time and new technology they have been improving little by little, increasing their resolution. Although the camera has many advantages, sometimes we have certain difficulties and there may be some malfunctions in the operation of the mobile device.

What causes my cell phone camera to look blurry?

Our cell phones could experience problems with the camera , sometimes some of these inconveniences are frequent, for example, some user wants to take a photo and these photos are blurred and apart from the automatic focus does not work correctly. If you’ve already tried other ways and the photos still look just as blurry, we have some solutions for you today.

Many times, our camera lenses are covered, either by dirt or grease . Also, it takes many people a long time to realize if the lens itself is scratched or broken, which affects photo capture to a greater extent.


We bring you some basic solutions and others a little more complex to improve the operation of the camera and to be able to recover its focus and quality, in order to achieve a better experience when capturing photos. And so that you do not miss the best moments of your life, it is important that you know how to configure a direct access of the camera of your phone.

Clean the sensor, because sometimes inadvertently there may be some dirt particles on the camera’s sensor making the photos look blurry.

To avoid this, carefully clean the sensors to eliminate traces of dust , you can do it with a special cloth to clean your glasses. When you finish, open the camera App, if the photo comes out well, it is already known that there were particles in the sensor. Avoid this and check from time to time if the camera sensors are clean, in addition, you can prevent dust from accumulating inside the sensor.

Close and open the camera app. This solution is the most basic of all, since it may be that the camera application had a temporary failure, so close the application from the “recent applications menu” so we will know that we have closed it completely. Open it again and try to take a picture, if it goes well, as it should, it means that it was a momentary failure of the application and that everything is in order.

What to do if the camera has stopped focusing?

If the camera of your mobile device has stopped focusing and you have already tried several options to try to correct this problem, it can mean only one thing and it is a hardware failure. Some basic solutions for this can be, restart your mobile phone, delete the cache or force close the camera application.

There are times when the screen itself is very dirty , and it does not allow you to see the photo you are trying to take well. To avoid this, you can use an alcohol wipe to clean the screen well. It is very important to keep the camera glass clean, as this will allow you to  take professional photos on your cell phone.

If none of these solutions has worked for you, you could take the option of taking your cell phone to a technician , because as telephones are such complicated terminals, there is always some part that can burn. Also, the phone will show you an error message that “The Camera Has Stopped Working” on Android.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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