What benefits does artichoke have for dogs

Taking care of all the vital needs of a dog is essential to take care of it properly. Food is one of them, since, like any other animal, it needs to eat a variety of foods to grow and develop. A healthy canine diet encompasses different types of food, among which vegetables are very important for the benefits they bring to the body.

Among the vegetables that you can give a dog, the artichoke is an option to consider due to the large amount of nutrients it contains. There is no doubt that for humans it is a very healthy food. But what about dogs? Can they be fed artichokes in any way? To find out if dogs can eat artichokes , what benefits it has for their body and how you should give it to them, at OneHOWTO we recommend that you continue reading this article.

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  1. Can dogs eat artichokes or not?
  2. What benefits does artichoke have for dogs
  3. How to give artichoke to my dog

Can dogs eat artichokes or not?

To find out if artichokes are a good food for dogs, you first have to know the nutrients they contain. High levels of vitamin C stand out among them, but there is also magnesium, folic acid, and a large amount of fiber.

It is evident that, with all the nutritional value it contains, the artichoke is a healthy food for humans. However, the body of dogs is very different and it is important to ask if the artichoke should be included in their diet.

Briefly answering the question about whether dogs can eat artichokes, yes they can, but in a moderate way . It is an incentive for little furry ones to try new great-tasting recipes, but ingredients or parts of ingredients that are harmful to their body cannot be included. Similarly, it is essential to control the quantities.

Putting the focus on the artichoke, the stems, the leaves and the heart are not toxic elements for dogs. Even so, there is an important danger: giving an excessive amount to the animal and, during the ingestion, that there is a blockage in its digestive system.

Another risk of excessive consumption of artichokes in the canine world is vomiting and diarrhea, as is the case with other foods for humans. That is why it is so important to give it proportionally.

If your dog has diarrhea, vomits or suffers from a digestive blockage, do not give him artichokes again. Being a new food for them, you have to be very careful about its impact on the body.

What benefits does artichoke have for dogs

Giving artichokes to your dog can have a very positive impact on their diet if you do it properly. What is the artichoke for? The list of benefits is considerable due to the large amount of nutrients that this vegetable contains. What benefits does the artichoke have? The most important are the following:

  • Artichokes are a great source of vitamins such as A, B1, B3 (niacin), C and K.The most traditional foods for dogs, such as regular canine croquettes, do not contain some of these nutrients, so that the intake of artichokes allows them to assimilate them.
  • The consumption of this vegetable favors the reduction of cholesterolin the canine organism due to the absence of fat in the food.
  • It provides a large amount of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron, sodium and phosphorus.
  • Eating artichoke helps to solve or, at least, alleviate health problems such as stomach and colon irritation in dogs. It also helps to reduce or regulate flatulence.
  • The artichoke contains antioxidants that help increase defenses against diseases such as cancer, heart problems, premature aging and other generic diseases in dogs.
  • Benefits in the liver of a dog for the moderate consumption of artichoke.

How to give artichoke to my dog

When you think about feeding your dog some artichoke, it is important that you do it properly for his health. Preparing them beforehand is necessary to avoid intestinal obstructions in the furry little one. To achieve this, at oneHOWTO we give you the following recommendations:

  • Cut the artichokes into small pieces. Give them in a rationed way and little by little, especially if it is the first time you give him artichoke because you do not know if it will be good for him in his stomach.
  • Any artichoke recipe you prepare for your dog should exclude garlic, as well as other ingredients unsuitable for their health. In this way, you ensure that you get all the benefits of the vegetable without possible drawbacks.
  • For the artichoke to provide the maximum nutritional benefits to your best friend, try to feed it rawby removing the outer leaves. You can also choose to steam it, sauté it or even stew it to make it a delight for your palate.
  • It is important to emphasize that the artichoke should be cut into small pieces for all dogs, but especially for those of small breeds. Thus, they will be able to chew it without difficulty and will not suffer any choking during the ingestion.



by Abdullah Sam
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