What are the basic commands to run programs in Windows 10?

When you use your personal computer, you want it to easily offer you many tools that allow you to simplify your daily tasks. Especially when we have problems where the use of the mouse is impossible and we must use the physical keyboard or the virtual keyboard . That is why in the next tutorial we will show you what are the basic commands to run programs in Windows 10?

Through these commands you can carry out specific operations that allow you, in the first instance, to carry out a diagnosis when you suspect a fault. For this we are going to use the so-called keyboard shortcuts or key combinations. This is none other than the Windows key + R , this action opens the Run tool and here we are going to enter the commands.

Windows 10 is a very versatile operating system and offers us special features that you will not find in its previous versions. But it is also more demanding, for this reason there are programs that will yield much more. And for this reason, it is recommended that you know which are the best free gadgets and applications for Windows 10.

What are the basic commands to run programs in Windows 10?

So to be able to use the Run tool in Windows 10 , you must first know what command you should use and what it is for.

That is why we have created the following tutorial, which will teach you what are the basic commands to run programs in Windows 10. And then we will name what they are and what each one works for.

We will start by first naming you the basic commands to perform diagnostic tests on the system:

  • CHKDSK this is the star command that is usually resorted to when something is wrong with your system. With this command a check of the disk is carried out, where it will look for possible defective areas and will eventually be able to carry out repairs.
  • SISTEMINFO with this command you will receive detailed information about the computer, data such as, graphics card, RAM, processor, internal storage, motherboard, etc.
  • NETSTAT this command performs a check on the operation of the different connections and ports of the PC, and fixes possible faults.
  • CONTROL PANEL with this command you will directly enter the Windows control panel .
  • GETMAC through this command, we can access the Mac address of our computer’s network card. This is present in mobile devices, routers, printers, etc.
  • IPCONFIG with this command we will also obtain important information, but regarding the network connection. Here you can also get the IP address.

Other useful commands for you

Now we will show you the different commands that you can use to direct you to different places in the system. As are folders, directories, files, etc. and these are the ones that we will name you below:

  • DIR, this command you can see the folders that are contained in the place you are. Also showing sub folders or files.
  • CD, although it may not seem like it, this command is very important and it is used to change directory if you use * cd <DirectoryPath> * goes to a specific address.
  •  CLS with this command will erase everything that is written in the Windows window, that is, it will clean it so that it looks as if you had just opened it.
  • EXIT with this command you will simply close the window
  • TREE FOLDER selecting a specific folder will show you a tree of addresses
  •  HELP this command can help you if you know the English language, since it shows you the available commands and description.
  •  ROBOCOPY with this command you will be able to make a copy of a file, although you can also cancel an action.
  •  FORMAT, this is a command that you should be a little careful with as it will allow you to format your disk drive.
  • TYPE ARCHIVO.EXTENSION with this command you can create a new file from the command window. In addition to being able to write on it.
  •  RENAME FILE with this command you will have the possibility to change the name of any file, you can also change its extension.

There are other basic commands, but these will be the most useful for you and in this way we finish the tutorial that taught you what are the basic commands to run programs in Windows 10.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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