What Are 4 social styles

Many human behaviors are not the result of logical and rational considerations, but are often the result of experiences lived during childhood, adolescence and life.
Knowing and recognizing some simple mechanisms that are the basis of relational behaviors allows you to have good and lasting interpersonal relationships.

Knowledge of social styles is mainly used in sales and negotiation techniques, but it is also very useful for improving interactions with colleagues, family and friends.
The basis of a better interpersonal capacity is the knowledge of how a person normally behaves.
The ability to communicate by adapting to the different interlocutors allows you to build productive relationships.

The model of social styles , arrived from the USA, is an elaboration of some communication concepts aimed at managing the interaction between two people and has the following objectives:

  • Recognize the differences in behavior between people
  • Improve communication through the correct interpretation of different behaviors
  • Identify and manage any tension during the relationship and avoid conflict
  • Make the relationship productive.


The description of the people belonging to the 4 social styles can be useful to identify your own.
If you wish, you can also take this simple and nice  free self-assessment test  on the knowledge of your social styles.


In “ What we say with our eyes and reveal with our senses ” we reveal some  strategies  to  improve your interpersonal and sentimental relationships.
Download it for free  by clicking below, you will also find what you can do to  improve your relationships with children, collaborators, partners, etc.





Download the book and learn how to use your senses and eye position to improve your communication and relationships



Description of the 4 social styles:


ANALYTICAL STYLE → rigid, methodical, serious
person This type of person tends to be precise and to act methodically and systematically, paying close attention to quality and details.
She prefers to work and have fun alone, likes to read technical books.


LOVELY STYLE → diplomatic, cooperative, understanding
person A person who tends to face situations and problems with empathy and understanding, always very oriented towards other people.
Likes to spend time with others, loves reading fiction books.


EXPRESSIVE STYLE → spontaneous, enthusiastic, expansive
person A type of person who does not just see one aspect of a situation but identifies several and gets a complete picture of the problem.
He likes to spend time having fun with other people, he doesn’t like reading so much.


DIRECTIVE STYLE → efficient, decisive, concrete
person He is a concrete person and oriented towards facts, results, risk and action, knowing where to go and what objective to achieve.
Likes to spend time alone or with short contacts with others, prefers short readings.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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