Vibrato;Ripple of the sound

Vibrato (from Italian vibrato, “vibration”), a musical term that describes the periodic variation of the height or frequency of a sound. It is a musical effect that is used to add expression to vocal and instrumental music. Vibrato is usually categorized according to two factors: the amount of variation in height (“vibrato extension”) and the speed with which the height varies (“vibrato speed”)


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  • 1 Meaning
  • 2 How to develop a good vibrato
  • 3 Why is developing voice vibrato important for you as a singer?
  • 4 Where does vibrato come from?
  • 5 Differentiation of similar concepts
  • 6 Sources


Vibrato means a regular oscillation of a note, based on the laws of acoustics, and is the natural result of a healthy voice, or a voice that is optimal at the time of singing. Vibrato is a phenomenon caused by the free reverberation of the air in the resonance cavities of the head, where the effort of closing the vocal cordsIt is balanced with the air coming from the lungs. In other words it is the balance between “air” and “muscle.” Therefore, in a strictly technical sense, we should try to use vibrato when we hold a note. So if you have ever wondered if you are making a note well, try to focus on the sensation of oscillating it without varying the volume, and in the case that you do, something you are doing well, since the vibrato exists when There is balance.

How to develop a good vibrato

Singing without vibrato is like singing like a child, which although it seems very tender to us, the lack of expression or dynamism of the tone makes the sound seem linear and without much substance. On the other hand, vibrato is a resource of expressiveness that, when produced freely and effortlessly, is a sign that the singer is using a correct singing technique.

Why developing vibrato in the voice is important to you as a singer?

These are the five points that make an elegant and well-controlled vibrato make you a better vocalist: • The vibrato greatly helps to free your voice. • Improves sharps. • It is easier for those who listen to the singer if the tone is not flat and monotonous. • It improves the trills (riffs and runs) because the trill contains the vibrato itself.

Where does vibrato come from?

Interesting question, and by answering it you can start using common sense to induce it (I will explain this later). The vibrato happens when the voice swings rapidly between two tones. For example, if you would sing a do, and then do #, and then a do and do # and so on, you would be doing a vibrato in theory. The key to good vibrato is the speed at which you alternate from one note to the other.

Differentiation of similar concepts

Vibrato should not be confused with other concepts and musical signs that may present similarities.

The terms vibrato and tremolo are sometimes used interchangeably although the strict definitions of each of them describe them as distinct effects. Vibrato is a periodic variation in the height (frequency) of a musical note , which affects the pitch . For its part, the tremolo generally refers to periodic variations in the intensity (volume or amplitude) of a musical note.

In practice, it is difficult for a singer or an instrumentalist to achieve a pure vibrato or a pure tremolo in which only the height or volume of the sound is modified; in fact, variations in both height and intensity are usually achieved at the same time. The manipulation or generation of electronic signals makes it easier to achieve or display a pure tremolo and / or vibrato.

In certain cases one of these terms (tremolo or vibrato) is used to describe the effect that is normally associated with the other term. For example: The known device “tremolo arm” (tremolo arm) is the mobile bridge of an electric guitar that allows the performer to raise or lower the height of a note or chord, that is, to vary the height or pitch of the strings. Consequently, the effect of vibrato occurs, although here it is called tremolo. On the contrary, the so-called “vibrato unit” integrated in many guitar amplifiers actually produces the effect known as tremolo in all other contexts.


by Abdullah Sam
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