Venous insufficiency

Venous insufficiency . It is a condition in which the veins have difficulties in sending blood from the legs to the heart , especially when standing.


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  • 1 Veins
  • 2 Causes that produce it
  • 3 Main risk factors
    • 1 Non-modifiable factors
    • 2 Ages as an average usually manifests
  • 4 Areas are affected
  • 5 Disorders that could trigger
  • 6 Signs and symptoms of arterial insufficiency
  • 7 Diagnosis of the disease
  • 8 What are the treatments
  • 9 Measures for the prevention of arterial insufficiency
    • 1 Practical advice to prevent venous insufficiency
  • 10 exercises that improve circulation
  • 11 Sources


The veins of the lower limbs are responsible for the blood rising to the heart, for which it has a system of valves that allow the blood flow to go in an upward direction. In order for the blood to move against gravity, the contraction of the leg muscles acts as a driving pump. Breathing movements, heartbeat, and proper foot support when walking also help blood flow to the heart. When veins fail, they weaken and swell, because blood accumulates in them and circulation becomes difficult.

Causes that produce it

  • Long standing stays
  • the obesity
  • the sedentary lifestyle
  • the constipation

Main risk factors

There is a family predisposition to suffer from the disease, although it is not hereditary. There are unmodifiable and modifiable risk factors:

Non-modifiable factors

  • Age (older adults)
  • Sex: more incidence in women because female hormones act on the vein wall, weakening it.

Ages as average usually manifests

In women, at fertile age, as a consequence of [[| Pregnancy | pregnancies]]. In men from 25 or 30 years of age. Less frequent in childhood . When it appears at these ages, it is often due to congenital vascular malformations.

Areas are affected

Venous insufficiency affects:

  • Lower extremities (legs)

Disorders that could trigger

  • Internal or external bleeding on the legs
  • Thrombus or clot formation
  • Dermatological injuries such as dermatitiscellulite , hyperpigmentation .
  • Varicose ulcer.

Signs and symptoms of arterial insufficiency

  • Heaviness
  • Pain
  • Feeling of oppression
  • Cramps
  • Tingle
  • Edema (inflammation) in the lower extremities.
  • Orthopedic and neurological ailments.

Diagnosis of the disease

Varicose veins

When it fails, the blood stagnates in the veins and the vein walls dilate, lose their shape. Then large curved veins are visible to the legs: called Varicose Veins .

What are the treatments

There are general measures such as:

  • Sleep with your feet up
  • Eat low salt
  • Avoid sitting or standing in the same position for a long time
  • Exercise
  • Walk
  • Use of elastic stockings or bandages
  • Medications for venous circulation
  • Sclerotherapy application (injection of veins with medicine)
  • Surgical treatment.

Measures for the prevention of arterial insufficiency

Sclerotherapy treatment with foam in Cuba

Chronic venous insufficiency that has incalculable consequences that affect quality of life. That is why it is important that preventive measures are taken and we go to the specialist when the first symptoms or signs of the disease appear.

Evolution of foam sclerotherapy

Important results show evidence in Cuba of treatment for chronic venous insufficiency called foam sclerotherapy. This method has revolutionized the world phlebology consists of the injection of a substance, used since ancient times, but its way of introducing it at that time was in a liquid form and now it is applied with foam.

Practical tips to prevent venous insufficiency

  • Avoid being overweight: avoid eating fried foods, sweets, alcohol.
  • Exercise every day (walking, swimming, cycling …).
  • Avoid being close to heat (radiators, braziers, saunas …)
  • Cold showers in the legs.
  • Avoid constipation. Eat vegetables, fiber foods and drink 2 liters of watera day.
  • Avoid tight clothing (garters, belts, boots, tight pants …), because they cut off the circulation of the legs.
  • Wear shoes with a 3-4 cm heel. Avoid high heels and flat shoes.
  • Slightly raise the foot of the bed.
  • Do not go more than an hour without moving.
  • Massage the legs from the ankle to the thigh.

Exercises that improve circulation

  • Sitting, gently swing your feet, from toes to heels.
  • Sit, spread, and put your toes together.
  • Stand up on your toes several times.
  • Standing, walk on the tip of the heels.
  • Lying down, perform energetic pedaling movements with your legs elevated. 15 times
  • Lying down, with your legs raised and extended, alternately flex and extend your toes. 20 times
  • Lying down, legs raised and extended, rotate them in an alternate rotary motion in both directions. 10 times
  • Lying down, with your legs extended, spread them apart and bring them together in succession. 15 times
  • Massage: With the leg raised, gently rub upwards from the ankle to the thigh


by Abdullah Sam
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