Vegetarian Diet: A Complete Guide

The vegetarian diet has gained popularity in recent years and studies estimate that supporters represent up to 18% of the world population ( 1 ).

In addition to the ethical and environmental benefits, a well-planned meatless diet also reduces the risk of chronic diseases, promotes weight loss and improves quality of life.

This article provides a beginner’s guide to the vegetarian diet, including a suggested menu for the week.

What is the vegetarian diet?

The vegetarian diet consists of not eating meat, fish and poultry. Most people adopt it for religious or personal reasons, as well as ethical issues, such as animal rights.

Others decide to become vegetarian for environmental reasons, as livestock production increases greenhouse gas emissions, contributes to climate change and requires large amounts of water, energy and natural resources ( 2 , 3 ).

There are several forms of vegetarianism, each of which differs in its restrictions.

The most common types include:

  • Vegetarian egg-lact diet: Eliminates meat, fish and poultry, but allows eggs and dairy products.
  • Lacto-vegetarian diet: Eliminates meat, fish, poultry and eggs, but allows dairy products.
  • Egg-vegetarian diet: Eliminates meat, fish, poultry and dairy, but allows eggs.
  • Fish diet: Eliminates meat and poultry, but allows fish and, sometimes, eggs and dairy products.
  • Vegan diet: Eliminates meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products, as well as other animal products, such as honey.
  • Diet flexible : a vegetarian diet that incorporates predominantly occasionally meat, fish or chicken.

There are many reasons to become vegetarian, the main ones can be ethical or religious. The vegetarian diet also has many variations.

Health Benefits

Vegetarian diets are associated with several health benefits.

Studies show that vegetarians tend to have better quality of food than those who eat meat, in addition to a greater intake of important nutrients such as fiber , vitamin C , vitamin E and magnesium ( 4 , 5 ).

Here are some of the other benefits:

Can aid weight loss

Switching to a vegetarian diet can be an effective strategy in trying to lose weight.

A review of 12 studies found that vegetarians, on average, lost 4.5 kg more weight than non-vegetarians over an 18-week period ( 6 ).

Another six-month study of 74 people who had type 2 diabetes showed that vegetarian diets were almost twice as effective in reducing body weight as low-calorie diets ( 7 ).

In addition, a study of about 61,000 adults showed that vegetarians tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI) than omnivores – BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight ( 8 ) .

See too:

Healthy Weight Loss Diets

Fermentable Food Guide – FODMAP

Foods for a Gluten Free Diet

May reduce the risk of cancer

Some research suggests that a vegetarian diet is linked to a lower risk of cancer – including those of the breast, colon, rectum and stomach ( 9 , 10 , 11 ).

However, current research is limited to observational studies, which cannot prove a cause and effect relationship ( 12 , 13 ).

Therefore, further studies are needed to understand how vegetarianism can affect cancer risk.

Stabilizes blood sugar

Several studies indicate that vegetarian diets help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

For example, a review of six of them linked vegetarianism to better controlling these levels in people with type 2 diabetes ( 14 ).

According to a study of 2,918 people, switching from a non-vegetarian to a vegetarian diet was associated with a 53% reduced risk of diabetes over an average of five years ( 15 ).

Promotes heart health

A study of 76 people linked vegetarian diets to lower levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol and “bad” LDL cholesterol – all risk factors for heart disease when elevated ( 16 ).

Another recent study of 118 people found that a low-calorie vegetarian diet was more effective in reducing “bad” LDL cholesterol than a Mediterranean diet ( 17 ).

Other research also indicates that vegetarianism is associated with lower blood pressure levels. Arterial hypertension is another important risk factor for heart disease ( 18 , 19 ).

A vegetarian diet can provide numerous health benefits, including a more balanced diet and reduced risk factors for heart disease.


Despite being healthy and nutritious, a vegetarian diet can also increase the risk of some nutritional deficiencies.

Meat, poultry and fish provide a good amount of proteins and omega-3 fatty acids, in addition to micronutrients such as zinc, selenium, iron and vitamin B12 ( 20 ).

Other products of animal origin, such as dairy products and eggs, also contain a lot of calcium, vitamin D and B vitamins ( 21 , 22 ).

When cutting meat or other animal products from your diet, it is important to ensure that you receive these essential nutrients from other sources.

Studies show that vegetarians have a higher risk of deficiency of proteins, calcium, iron, iodine and vitamin B12 ( 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 ).

Deficiency of these essential micronutrients can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, anemia, bone loss and thyroid problems ( 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 ).

Including a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein sources and fortified foods is an easy way to ensure that you receive adequate nutrition.

Multivitamins and supplements are another option to increase intake and compensate for possible deficiencies.

Animal products such as meat, eggs and dairy products have essential nutrients for your body. When not consuming them, it is important to find other sources to obtain them.

What to eat

A vegetarian diet should include a diverse mix of fruits, vegetables, grains, healthy fats and proteins.

To replace the protein provided by meat, eat nuts, seeds, vegetables, tempeh, tofu and seitan.

If you follow a vegetarian ovo-lacto diet, eggs and dairy also increase your protein intake.

Eating whole foods rich in nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, will provide a number of important vitamins and minerals to fill any nutritional gaps in your diet.

Some healthy foods to eat on a vegetarian diet are:

  • Fruits: Apples, bananas, oranges, melons, pears, peaches;
  • Vegetables: Asparagus, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots;
  • Grains: Quinoa, barley, buckwheat, rice, oats;
  • Legumes: Lentils, beans, peas, chickpeas;
  • Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, cashews, chestnuts;
  • Seeds: Flax seeds, chia and hemp seeds;
  • Healthy fats: Coconut oil, olive oil, avocado;
  • Proteins: Tempeh, tofu, seitan, natto, eggs, dairy.

To compensate for the nutrients present in meat, it is necessary to have a balanced diet, with the intake of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes and much more.

What to avoid

There are several variations of vegetarianism, each with different restrictions. Lacto ovo, for example, involves the elimination of all meats, poultry and fish. Other types of diet can also avoid foods like eggs and dairy products.

A vegan diet is the most restrictive form of vegetarianism because it prevents meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products and any other animal product.

Depending on your needs and preferences, you may have to avoid the following foods:

  • Meat: All variations of red meat.
  • Poultry: White meat of poultry such as chicken and turkey.
  • Fish and seafood: This restriction does not apply to those who follow the pescetarian diet.
  • Meat-based ingredients: Gelatin, lard, oleic acid, among others.
  • Eggs: This restriction applies to vegans and lacto-vegetarians.
  • Dairy products: This restriction on milk, yogurt and cheese applies to vegans and egg-vegetarians.
  • Other products of animal origin: Vegans may choose to avoid honey, beeswax and pollen.

There are several variations of the vegetarian diet, so it is important to be aware of the restrictions in each category.

To help you get started, here’s a week-long meal plan for an ovo-lact vegetarian diet, the most widely used.


  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with fruit
  • Lunch: Grilled veggie burger and fries
  • Dinner: Omelet with vegetables


  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, garlic and mushrooms
  • Lunch: Zucchini stuffed with vegetables and cheese
  • Dinner: Chickpea Curry with Rice


  • Breakfast: Greek yogurt with chia seeds and fruit
  • Lunch: Salad with tomato, cucumber and cheese with spiced lentil soup
  • Dinner: Eggplant parmesan with salad


  • Breakfast: Tofu with sautéed peppers, onions and spinach
  • Lunch: Bowl of burrito with brown rice, beans, avocado, salsa and vegetables
  • Dinner: Vegetable Paella with salad


  • Breakfast: Whole toast with avocado
  • Lunch: Marinated tofu dumpling with Greek salad
  • Dinner: Black bean meatballs with zucchini noodles


  • Breakfast: Cabbage smoothie, fruits, bananas, peanut butter and almond milk
  • Lunch: Vegetarian red lentil burger with avocado salad
  • Dinner: Bread with grilled vegetables and pesto


  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with tomato and basil
  • Lunch: Peppers stuffed with tempeh and zucchini fritters
  • Dinner: Black bean tacos with rice and cauliflower

Most vegetarians avoid meat, chicken and fish, although some also restrict eggs, dairy products and other animal products.

A balanced vegetarian diet with nutritious foods, such as products, grains, healthy fats and vegetable proteins, can offer several benefits, but can increase the risk of nutritional deficiencies if poorly planned.

Make sure you pay close attention to some essential nutrients and supplement your diet with a variety of healthy whole foods.

That way, you will enjoy the benefits of vegetarianism while minimizing side effects, and it is worth remembering, any doubt consult a nutritionist.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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