Valheim: How to create carts to transport many materials

The creation of chariots in Valheim will help you when it comes to transporting many heavy materials and resources around the world. Save yourself trips here and there by making a car easily.


  1. How to create a car?
  2. Tips and tricks for using a car in Valheim

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One of the most practical and convenient ways to farm resources in Valheim and transport them in large quantities is by building a cart . These are especially useful when it comes to transporting minerals and metals , for example, as they are heavy materials and our inventory is limited (although the maximum weight of our cargo can be expanded ).

Next we will explain how to create a car in Valheim and how to use it correctly to move objects from one place to another.


How to create a car?

The car, or cart in English, is a type of creation that can be made with the hammer , but to unlock its recipe you have to have obtained its manufacturing materials for the first time , which are the following:

  • Wood :
  • Bronze nails :

Obviously getting wood is very easy. Not so much the bronze nails , for which you will have to have previously created a Forge and farmed a few Tin and Copper minerals for the Black Forest biomes . By having all this, you can start creating cars from near a workbench . Simple, huh?

Tips and tricks for using a car in Valheim

The carts in Valheim are one of our greatest allies when it comes to transporting all kinds of items . Each cart has a capacity of 18 spaces to store objects and there is no maximum weight to load it, so you can put a lot of things in it. This way they give you a great way to get resources from here to there on land.

  • Using a trolley is very simple, you just have to approach the front drawbarto grab it with the E key.
  • When your character grabs the car, you can start pulling itto move it.
  • If you get closer to the rear cargo areayou can inspect the storage of the cart or manage it.

Be aware that tanks can take damage from enemies and even hits. In fact, a good idea is to place torch fire or campfires around a chariot to ward off more annoying enemies, such as Dwarfs who can attack and destroy a chariot (although if destroyed, all cargo is safely inside boxes ).

On the other hand, it must be emphasized that the weight of the load in the car does influence its transport . The more objects you store, the heavier the car will become and therefore it can also roll down a hill if you leave it on a very steep slope. A great tip is to use the Hoe tool to create dirt roads , as that way the cart moves much better.

Finally, if you are very resourceful , you may be able to place carts on top of the largest ships to carry your cargo across the oceans. Although it is quite difficult to achieve , some players have succeeded. It is an interesting point to mention, since the cars cannot be teleported in the portals .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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