The Urgency of Zakat in Islamic Teachings

Zakat is an important part of the teachings of Islam, and also becomes one of the pillars of Islam, which must be fulfilled when the property has reached nishab (zakat mandatory limit).

Not only that, zakat is also closely related to social activities.

The distribution of zakat from the Muzakki (zakat payers) to the Mustahik (zakat recipients), is a tangible and tangible proof of caring among fellow Muslims.

Muzakki , of course, is not limited to individuals, but legal entities or institutions can also act as zakat payers.

Islam requires zakat to make human possessions clean and pure, or in other words to not mix with other people’s property (those who are entitled to receive zakat).

In short, by giving zakat means someone has contributed to the welfare of the community (meeting the needs and increasing development).

Zakat is always mentioned side by side with prayer in the Qur’an, this shows that zakat is a very important thing (urgent) in Islamic teachings.

If prayer is a physical worship , it means zakat as maliyah (property) worship , if one of them is not done, it will be imperfect to one’s Islam.


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This, too, shows that religion and economics cannot be separated.

Basically, the concept of zakat can provide the main foundation in the growth and development of the social and economic order of society.

At a glance, there are several constructive views on the role, function and potential of zakat, namely:

  • Proper management of zakat can improve the quality of economic development and income distribution.
  • Zakat is more directed to the distribution of assets which aims to reduce the level of inequality between people, and maintain the circulation process.
  • Zakat is a source of income for the nation, as well as an economic pillar as described in the Qur’an.
  • Zakat can reduce the accumulation of assets, and direct the owner of the property to invest and share a portion of the proceeds to those who are less fortunate.
  • Zakat is in the form of maliyah ijtima’iyyah worship , where the position is very strategic and decisive.


by Abdullah Sam
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