5 Pure Types of Milk For Your Domestic Uses

Types of Milk will acknowledge you that why milk has been called perfect food for your baby and yourself.Human milk is the perfect food for the human infant. Milk alone would not provide a perfect diet for an adult, as too large a quantity would be necessary: it is also deficient in iron salts. It is an important adjunct to the diet of an adult as it provides first-class protein and is one of the most important ‘ protective ’ foods.

5 Pure Types of Milk For Your Domestic Uses
Photo of milk products.
  • Milk should be kept in a clean, cool place away from any strong-smelling food or vegetables.
  • It should always be kept covered.
  • New milk should not be mixed with stale unless to be used at once for cooking purposes.

Adulteration of milk. Milk may be adulterated by (a) the abstraction of cream, or (b) by the addition of water or preservatives.

Graded milks.

Persons producing and dealing in the following graded or designated milks must be appropriately licensed.

Tuberculin Tested Milk.

5 Pure Types of Milk For Your Domestic Uses

This is milk from cows which have passed a veterinary examination and a tuberculin test; it is bottled on the farm or elsewhere; it may be raw or pasteurized. If bottled on the farm it may be described as Tuberculin Tested Milk [Certified)’, it must satisfy a ethylene blue reduction test, and must contain no coli- formic bacilli in one-hundredth of a milliliter.

If pasteurized this milk is described as Tuberculin Tested Milk (Pasteurized); it must then contain no more than 30,000 bacteria per milliliter. The herd from which this milk comes must be isolated from all other cattle; each animal must pass ;i veterinary examination at intervals of not more than six months, and a tuberculin test at intervals of not less than two and not more than six months.If the milk is not bottled on the farm, bottling must be carried out at some licensed bottling establishment and the cap must bear the address of the bottling establishment and the words Tuberculin Tested Milk.

Types of Milk Must Be known Because it Contains Special value of Vitamins And Perfect Diet for Infant.

Accredited milk.

5 Pure Types of Milk For Your Domestic Uses

This is raw milk from cows which have passed a veterinary examination; it is bottled on the farm or elsewhere. Every milch cow in the herd from which the milk comes must pass, at intervals of three months, an examination by a veterinary surgeon approved by the Licensing Authority. The herd must not at any time include an animal which has been tested with tuberculin and reacted to the test. The cows in milk belonging to the herd must be separated from all other cows in milk. The rap of the bottle must bear the address of the bottling establishment and the words Accredited Milk’, this milk must satisfy the same tests as raw tuberculin tested milk.

Pasteurized milk

This is a milk which has been retained at a Temperature of 1450 to 150° F. for at least thirty minutes, and then immediately cooled to not more than 55° F. It must not be otherwise treated by heat, and must not be familiarized more than once; it must not contain more than  10,000 bacteria per milliliter.

Types of Milk may be preserved and prevented from souring by:

Boiling Milk:

 Bringing milk to the boil, or scalding is a common method of keeping it sweet. The effect of scalding is to destroy most of the souring bacilli and other organisms which may be present.Vitamins A And Vitamins C are also destroyed if exposed to air.All milk for children should be boiled unless it is known to come from a pure source, e.g. graded or pasteurized. The protective vitamins must be given, e.g. orange juice, cod-liver oil, etc.

5 Pure Types of Milk For Your Domestic Uses

  • Dried milk may be manufactured by:
  • The ‘roller’ process. Cow’s milk is allowed to dry in a thin film on a rotating drum at a temperature of 140° C.: the film is scraped off and pounded.

Condensed milk has been practically superseded for infant feeding by dried milk. The sweetened condensed form is unsuitable: the unsweetened sours quickly when the tin is opened.Butter, prepared by churning cream, is the most easily digested fat. Composition: fat, 85 per cent; milk sugar, 1 per cent; water, 13 per cent.

by Abdullah Sam
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