Types of diabetes

Today almost all of us know what diabetes is. Formally known as diabetes mellitus, it is a disease or set of metabolic disorders that produce an increase in glucose or sugar levels in the blood, mainly due to the low production of the hormone insulin or due to its adequate use by Body. In this way, diabetes affects certain organs and tissues, in addition to being a chronic disease since so far no cure has been found but the patient can only be medicated to control the disease. In fact, diabetes is one of the most common diseases worldwide, which is why it is considered a serious public health problem. Every year thousands of people die around the world from this disease or from complications derived from it.

Some recent studies have shown that diabetes has a genetic component. Therefore, the transmission of this disease can be largely influenced by heredity. However, there are also other aspects that are decisive for suffering from this disease. Among them we can mention a poor diet, excessive consumption of fats and sugars, as well as a lack of physical activity or exercise and a sedentary lifestyle. Broadly speaking, the most common symptoms that warn about diabetes are excessive urine output, the immense desire to eat a lot and increased thirst, in addition to weight loss for no apparent reason. Currently the classification of this disease is divided into three types.

Types of diabetes, glucometer

Types of diabetes:

Type 1 diabetes mellitus: This is the most aggressive type of diabetes. It is generally known as insulin-dependent diabetes, since those who suffer from it do not produce this hormone due to different causes, so they must obtain insulin externally, many times injecting it. The destruction of the cells that naturally produce insulin in the body is due to alterations or diseases that the patient has previously suffered. This type of diabetes usually appears at an early age and in some cases in adulthood.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus: this type of diabetes is the most common in adults, although lately the cases have increased in young people. It is generally associated with obesity and bad habits such as lack of exercise. People with it do produce insulin, but its levels may be very low or your body does not treat it normally. That is why they need medication for the insulin that their body produces to be effective. In this case it is not necessary to supply insulin. In fact, many people can live for many years without experiencing obvious symptoms. Also, once detected, you can lead a relatively normal life, as long as you eat a proper diet, exercise and have a permanent check of blood sugar levels.

Gestational diabetes mellitus: This is a type of diabetes that appears very rarely. As the name implies, it is suffered by women who have had a pregnancy. Since the gestation of a baby is an event that produces changes in the mother’s body, this can cause a lower production of insulin, thus causing diabetes.


by Abdullah Sam
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