Cleaning your windows properly is much more than pouring glass cleaner on them and rubbing with a chamois . true? Given the difficulty to obtain an optimal result, we could well consider it a true art. Fortunately, there are tricks to clean glass that help us to make them totally transparent.

How to clean the windows

As you well know, the market offers you a multitude of products specially designed to clean windows. Of course, all of them are effective, but it is also possible to leave the crystals just as clean using home remedies, which in addition to being effective, require less effort when cleaning. Are you ready to target these tricks?


Ammonia is one of the best products that can be used to clean glass, windows and mirrors thanks to its degreasing and cleaning effect. In fact, those who use it claim that a surprising result is used. They even dare to say that the crystals last clean longer. The best way to use it is to pour a small stream of product into a bucket of water. You stir a little and wet the cloth. Then clean the crystals by making circles. Afterwards, dry with a clean cloth.


Surely you already knew the previous home remedy for cleaning crystals. But surely the one that we are going to tell you next is a real discovery.

In this case you have to take an onion and cut it in half. With one of the parts, rub on the surface of the dirty crystals and let it act for about 5 minutes.

To clarify, steam warm water mixed with vinegar and spray the entire surface of the glass well. To dry, nothing better than using a ball of old newspaper.


Another famous product for its cleaning power is vinegar. If you want to try this home remedy to clean windows, you just have to mix water and vinegar and pour it into a spray bottle. In this way it will be very easy to apply it on the surface of the glass. When drying it, you can use a clean cloth or a ball of newspaper. What you prefer.

Also, if you want dirt to come out more easily, try using hot and / or warm water instead of cold.


And replacing the vinegar, you can also use alcohol and mix it with water.

To clean, moisten a little kitchen paper with the preparation and rub over the crystals, emphasizing the area where there is a specific stain. Then blot with newspaper again.

How to clean the windows

And now that you’ve seen the best remedies to clean crystals, to get the best results it is also important to follow some tips. Like, for example, these:

  • Lay cardboard or an old towel or sheets on the floor to avoid staining it.
  • When cleaning, always make a movement from top to bottom, to avoid that the water drips and drops fall where you have already cleaned.
  • One of the main problems when cleaning windows is that marks can remain. However, this may be different if we clean the interior and exterior with different movements. For example, one vertically and one from left to right.
  • When drying, use a clean cloth, of course. But it is also important that it does not shed lint. As a substitute you can also use newspaper, as we have already told you before or even an old stocking.

These tricks are perfectly valid for all types of glass, whether they are the windows of your house or the windows of the car. But what about the rest of the vehicle? To help you have your car like the jets of gold, we remind you how to clean the car mats in the most effective way.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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