Transaminases increased

The transaminase is an enzyme detectable in the blood. In the presence of damage or inflammatory process affecting the liver, an abnormal increase in the values of the transaminase itself can occur . Usually the increase of enzymes is temporary, except in cases of chronicity due to liver disorders.

What are the remedies against the increase in transaminases?

The increase in transaminases can be counteracted by treating the underlying disease.

What are the diseases associated with increased transaminases?

The diseases commonly associated with the increase in transaminases are:

  • food allergy
  • celiac disease
  • primary biliary cirrhosis
  • liver cirrhosis
  • hepatitis
  • heart attack
  • hypothyroidism
  • mononucleosis
  • pancreatitis
  • liver steatosis
  • liver cancer

It should be noted that this list is not exhaustive, it is therefore advisable to contact your doctor if the symptom persists.

Transaminase increased, when should I see my doctor?

If blood tests show an increase in transaminases you should consult your doctor who will ask for further tests.

by Abdullah Sam
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