Top 10 tips from Osho

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, it only matters whether you are a happy person or not.

Osho’s teachings can be represented as a chaotic mosaic composed of elements of Buddhism, yoga, Taoism, Greek philosophy, Sufism, European psychology, Tibetan traditions, Christianity, Zen, Tantrism and many other spiritual movements intertwined with his own views. Osho himself said that he does not have a system, because systems are initially dead, and living currents are constantly undergoing changes and improving.

This is probably the main advantage of his teaching – it does not give ready-made quick answers to all questions, but only provides a rich basis, which initially gives a good start for finding your own path and forming your own conclusions.

Throughout his life, Osho had different names. This is quite characteristic of the traditions of India and conveyed the essence of his spiritual activities. The name he received at birth is Chandra Mohan Jayin. Later he was called Rajneesh – a nickname for childhood. In the 60s he was called Acharya (“spiritual teacher”) Rajneesh, and in the 70s and 80s – Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh or simply Bhagwan (“enlightened”). He called himself Osho only in the last year of his life (1989-1990). In Zen Buddhism, “Osho” is a title that literally translates as “monk” or “teacher.” So he remained in history as Osho, and it is under this name that all his works are published today.

Top 10 tips from Osho:

  1. People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden to them. Learn to laugh more. For me, laughter is as holy as prayer.
  2. Every action leads to an immediate result. Be attentive and watch. A mature person is one who has found himself, who has determined what is right and wrong for him, good and bad. He did it himself, so he has a huge advantage over those who have no opinion.
  3. We are all unique. No one has the right to indicate what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment in which we define these changing concepts every day. Sometimes, you may do something wrong, but it is because of this that you will benefit immensely.
  4. There are times when God comes and knocks at your door. It can happen in one of a million ways – through a woman, a man, a child, love, a flower, sunset or sunrise … Be open to hear it.
  5. Striving to be unusual is the most common desire. But to relax and be ordinary is really unusual.
  6. Life is a series of mysteries and mysteries. It cannot be foreseen or predicted. But there are always people who would be satisfied with life without secrets – fear, doubts and anxieties would go along with them.
  7. First, hear yourself. Learn to enjoy yourself in company. Become so happy that you will no longer be bothered whether someone comes to you or not. You are already full. You don’t wait with awe to see someone knocking on your door. Are you at home. If someone comes, great. No, that’s fine too. Only with this attitude can you start a relationship.
  8. If you are rich, do not think about it; if you are poor, do not take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in peace, remembering that the world is only a show, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering comes only from a serious attitude towards life. Start treating life like a game, enjoy it.
  9. Courage is moving into the unknown, despite all the fears. Courage is not the absence of fear. Fearlessness happens when you get bolder and bolder. But in the beginning, the difference between a coward and a daredevil is not that great. The only difference is that the coward listens to his fears and follows them, while the daredevil leaves them aside and moves on.
  10. You are changing every moment. You are like a river. Today it flows in the same direction and climate. Tomorrow – in another. I have never seen the same face twice. Everything is changing. Nothing stands still. But in order to see it, very discerning eyes are needed. Otherwise dust falls and everything becomes old; it seems that everything has already happened.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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