Thesis Preface: Examples and Explanations

The preface to thesis posted here has been published before. I modified it a little as an example. Readers can look at the example of the introduction to the thesis that I post here so that later they can make it yourself and the thesis will finish quickly with good results.

Also read: Examples of Final Project Proposals The preface to the thesis is written with the aim of being an “introduction” to the readers of the thesis content. Although “only” as an introduction, this section should be written seriously. Not infrequently among students, the introduction of the thesis becomes a place for sharing during the thesis writing process. It doesn’t matter as long as the writing is not eccentric, so it reduces the quality of academic work.

What are the boundaries like? It is written in good and correct language, not alay ala kids ala. The following is an example of a preface to the thesis that I have modified, especially the name and location:

Also read: Example Thesis Proposal

Example of a preface to thesis

Here is an example. Because it has been published, be careful of plagiarism.

Praise be to Allah who created and organized the universe. Blessings and greetings to the noble Prophet, Muhammad saw, his family and all his companions.

The internet has become part of our civilization today, one of the symbols of technological development, a symbol of ‘modern’ civilization. In economic activity, the internet has begun to change the way people transact and buy and sell. Internet marketing is becoming a new variant in the ‘modern’ business strategy. For batik entrepreneurs in Kauman, Solo, the internet can be an opportunity as well as a challenge in developing a batik business unit in the future. This study is an attempt by the author to determine the response of batik entrepreneurs to internet marketing as part of the business strategy they implement.

For the completion of this academic work, I thank my beloved ones:

My mother, Popon and my sister, Neng Barbara, always supported me with tolerance and sincerity.

Prof. Dr. Sarkum Budiman, one of my favorite sociologists and my thesis supervisor. Sociologist of Religion, my examiner lecturer whose hometown I stopped by during field research, Idoy Melehoy. Economic Sociologist, my examining lecturer whose lecture was the inspiration for the theme of this thesis, Dadang Terpandang Kondang. As well as all UT sociology lecturers who have guided me.

The batik ‘warriors’, conservationists of native Indonesian culture from Kauman Batik Village, as well as those who have sincerely supported this research: Pak Kauman Urban Village, Pak Dudung, Pak Asep, Bu Yuyun, Mas Kusoy, and Pak Saum.

Companion in arms, opa’s children and grandchildren: Tutik, Encut, Alex. Kethek Rangers personnel: Jenifer, Veronica, Valentino, Febri, Claudia. My friend Edward who lent me his lecture notes, as well as the sociological group which is busy everywhere together.

Fellow arms, UT student press community, ex-DP: Kemmet, Kemi, Acenk, Adun, Aming, along with all the crew members invited to the meeting. My staff: Kokom, Koeswara, Atin, Ice. My colleagues at the restaurant: Wa Sain and Entin. All kongkow students dream of writing books. May our dreams come true!

The rest, thanks to my friends whose names were not written down by mistake. Lastly, thanks to the books in my room that are loyal to accompany me, especially when I’m lonely.

This academic work is open to comments, criticism and suggestions. Hopefully, Allah will give Ridho to all of us. Happy reading!


Bams Chandra Bayu


Also read: How to Make a Thesis

A brief description

At first glance we can summarize that the introduction to the thesis as in the example above contains expressions of gratitude, reviews of the thesis theme, gratitude and hopes with the completion of the thesis. Do not forget to also include the name of the thesis writer in the lower corner.

In the first paragraph , the author expresses his gratitude for the presence of God Almighty for the completion of the thesis. This section is not obligatory at the top, but noble expressions praising the Supreme Being are generally placed first.

In the second paragraph , the author discusses briefly what is discussed in the thesis. In other words, the second paragraph is an overview of the research topic or theme. This section serves as an introduction for the reader to know what the thesis is about.

Also read: Thesis Framework The next paragraphs contain thanks to people who have contributed to the writing of the thesis. It is not uncommon for thesis writers to vent here, describing how the closest people are involved in the struggle of their thesis. For the record, don’t forget to include the participants, especially if the thesis involves going to the field and using the interview method, if there is enough space, of course. Also remember, don’t vent too long.

In the last paragraph , the author expresses expectations, including a statement to receive comments from readers. The foreword of the thesis ends with the full name of the author.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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