Teleconference;Objectives, Benefits, and Types

Teleconference or teleconference or teleseminar is direct communication between several people who are usually in a long distance or not in one room and connected by a telecommunications system.

A teleconference is a meeting conducted by two or more people that is conducted over a telephone or network connection. The meeting can use audio (audio conference) or use audio-video (video conference) that allows conference participants to see and hear each other what is said, as usual meetings. In teleconferencing it is also possible to use the same whiteboard and each participant has control over it. So, also share applications.

Telecommunications systems can support teleconferences because they provide one or more of the following: audio, video, and / or data services by one or more means, such as telephone, computer, telegraph, teletype, radio, and television.

In Indonesia, there are a variety of teleconferencing services by telephone both fixed and mobile (Audio Conference) that have the ability to serve conversations for up to 30 callers in one conference. The number of participants can be adjusted according to the wishes of the conference organizer Conference or conference systems can also be equipped with a PIN (Personal Identification Number) so as to guarantee the confidentiality of a conference from callers who are not invited in the teleconference or teleconference .

  1. Videoconferencing

Videoconferencing is one of the telecommunications technologies that offers many benefits and conveniences in the context of organizing a Defense Research and Coordination Meeting which is held periodically to communicate the results of research and in the framework of planning and decision making by leaders of R&D institutions and related researchers. In this paper the feasibility study will be examined for use in order to provide support for the holding of the Defense Research and Coordination Meeting.

In general, telecommunications technology is considered capable of increasing work productivity. By implementing and optimizing the use of telecommunications technology in assisting institutional management systems, it will provide an effective and productive work situation, which is not limited to the space and time dimensions1. In addition, telecommunications technology is considered to be able to cut bureaucratic pathways which are very difficult for work efficiency, time and optimization of human resources. One telecommunications technology that has experienced significant growth lately is videoconferencing technology. Videoconferencing provides significant benefits and effects because it is effective, efficient and fast in decision making.

Videoconferencing can be used as an effective media to improve the skills and knowledge of both employees or the target public through quality training by utilizing this technology. Places of training and training will be closer to the workplace or domicile. They do not have to leave the work site to get new knowledge. The transfer of information is faster by establishing links with other central offices or information centers with this videoconferencing technology to attend seminars or the like. The concept of “home office” which gives the possibility for every employee to complete their work responsibilities at home can be realized. Videoconferencing can also be a means for employees to have discussions,

There are so many activities that must be carried out in an institution to bring the institution to the target to be achieved, so also requires a lot of meetings with relations or prospective relations and even the wider community to expand the network. With the use of video conferencing technology, the scheduled meeting targets can be realized without having to leave the work room, of course this is a very beneficial thing in utilizing time without spending a lot of cost to travel. The issue of time is the biggest obstacle that has been an obstacle to work activities, videoconferencing technology will be the best solution for optimizing work time.

In the current era of competition, speed and accuracy in making decisions are crucial. For defense institutions that have separate work units, the main obstacle in decision making is the issue of distance and time. Very often the heads of the satker traveled far enough to attend meetings that might only take a few hours, but the effort that was put in was very large.

One of the obstacles encountered in conducting the seminar was that there was a considerable distance between the participants who were the target of the seminar and the skilled speakers to discuss the material in the seminar. For example a seminar that was held in Jakarta, most likely only attended by participants in Jakarta and surrounding areas. In fact, if this seminar can be followed from other cities far away without having to come to Jakarta, it will provide great benefits for both participants and seminar organizers. One solution that can be taken to overcome this obstacle is to hold the seminar using the Teleseminar method.

Teleseminars are teleconferencing seminars that involve several locations simultaneously, where each location is linked to videoconferencing media. With this system, a seminar can be attended by participants from several locations at once. In addition, the speaker does not have to be in only one location, but he can choose the location where he is, so that a speaker can deliver seminar material from anywhere as long as he has access to the videoconferencing system used for the Teleseminar.

In relation to the Research Coordination Meeting, the implementation is usually carried out in rotation. The main problem, is the limited space available and the cost of implementation. This has resulted in a limited number of participants, even though the material presented is expected to reach the R&D community in the context of integrated planning and research. This can actually be overcome by using videoconferencing. The Coordination Meeting can take place without having to be physically present, so that the capacity of the intended participants can be achieved or the targets are achieved.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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