How to tame a fox in Minecraft

Are you looking for a guide that explains in detail how to tame a fox in Minecraft ? Very well, you found it! In the next few lines, we will provide you with a series of instructions to succeed.

If you are thinking of taming some animals on Minecraft and the first of these is a fox , read the following paragraphs carefully and take note. Here are all our tips, happy reading!

How to tame a fox in Minecraft

Recently you have been passionate about Minecraft, and you are spending several moments of adventure within the platform title. You have made several steps forward: building a shelter is no longer a problem, for example, as well as other features you have become familiar with. However, now you would like to understand how to tame a fox in Minecraft . But first you need to understand how to “catch” it.

Yes, because you need to know that foxes are very clever animals, and require specific procedures to bring them closer and not let them escape. So take a few minutes of free time: we are sure that, once you have finished reading, you will have a clearer picture of the operations to be carried out to achieve your goal. But notice to the delays, are you ready? Perfect, let’s go!

How to tame a fox in Minecraft

Before going into the detail of the guide on how to tame a fox in Minecraft , you must first tell yourself what you will need to bring with you when searching for foxes. The first goal is to mate the foxes, because their cub will be the one you have to bring with you to the refuge. In fact, when you get close, the puppy will not run away, because he will trust you.

To be able to mate two foxes you must have Sweet Berries with you: you can find them from the Bushes of Berries, which you find in the Taiga and in the snow-covered Taiga, simply by interacting on the bushes. In addition to this, you will need a leash , an absolutely necessary object for the fox cub to follow you to the refuge without trying to escape.

To have a Leash, you will need to place 4 units of Cord (available by defeating spiders) and 1 unit of Ball of Slime (obtainable from creatures living in swamps and underground) in a workbench. Finally, get 20 units of blocks of any material, essential to trap foxes and prevent them from escaping.

How do you tame a fox on Minecraft

Once you have obtained all the material and tools indicated in the previous paragraph, you can start your real search for foxes. So, let’s get into the details of this guide on how to tame a fox on Minecraft . We reiterate a geographical indication: these animals can be found successfully only in the Taiga and in the Snow-covered Taiga.

We advise you to search only during the day, as foxes are active only during the day. Finding them at night could be really complicated. Look carefully under the trees or in shady areas, which are the favorite places for foxes to rest. If you approach crouching, without making noise, they will not notice you.

If, on the other hand, you approach them by walking or running against them, they will become frightened and start running all over the map, keeping the distance from your avatar. So, hold down the Shift key while walking: in this way you will slowly approach and you will be able to create a fence around them (it must be at least two blocks high), so that they cannot escape once they notice your presence.

Therefore, always remaining crouched, arrange the blocks around the foxes: place a first row formed by a block and then place the remaining blocks on the second row. Once this is done, you can also stop pressing the Shift key to reveal your presence. The foxes will start running frightened inside the fence and will not be able to escape at all.

And it is at this point that you have to use Sweet Berries : you will feed both foxes, after which you will see little hearts that appear on the head of each of the two foxes. The latter will approach each other and a puppy will be spawned next to them. The puppy will not run away in your presence, because he will trust you.

How to tame a fox in Minecraft

You should now have a complete and comprehensive overview of how to tame a fox in Minecraft . We just have to say goodbye and meet you next time, in the hope that our guide has been useful to you in practice. See you soon!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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