How to be successful in strategy games

How to be successful in strategy games  : We are not yet in the holiday season when a sudden urge to try our hand at board and strategy games seems to involve everyone we know. The room then becomes the scene of clashes and challenges, feverish discussions on the roll of the dice and the score obtained when it unfortunately ends up under the table. Obviously, each of us improvises strategists to be successful in the various games and implements plans and strategies to obtain a minimum of credibility that often also translates into unexpected successes.

How to be successful in strategy games: The guide

If we look more closely at these games, however, we realize that they respect mathematical and logical rules that we often neglect or do not take into consideration at all. Many of us will have followed the story of the American mathematician John Nash in Ron Howard’s A Beautiful Mind with great interest and participation . It is he who has made a decisive contribution to Game Theory with in-depth studies on that branch of mathematics that concerns competitive games, namely those in which participants compete for compensation.

In fact, it is these games that exert an irresistible fascination on us because they require attention, intelligence and because the flavor of the challenge gives us a pinch of thrill. So let’s see how it is possible to be successful in strategy games.

Seemingly simple, Scrabble / Scrabble requires you to line up words using the letters available to us. Longer words earn us a higher score and it often happens so that we focus on length rather than paying attention to the composition of short words that could in the long run give us an advantage over the opponent. For this reason, if you find yourself struggling with Scarabeo, keep a good pace composing short words and you will see that you will be able to put your challenger in serious difficulty.

If, on the other hand, you are passionate amateurs of Monopoly, know that also in this case a strategic management of your investments will guarantee you success during a game. In fact, in Monopoli, an entrepreneurial project is more essential than dice, so try to play ahead with determination and rationality.

Bet on building multiple houses at the same time instead of one at a time, to gain an immediate advantage over your opponents. Keep in mind that in Monopoly the number seven is a golden number since with two dice of six its chances of coming out are greater. For this reason, properties placed on multiples of seven will guarantee you more consistent income in the long run than the others.

The poker is a game that requires particular attention to their own strategy and that of other players. Of course, bluffs are made more or less credible based on everyone’s skills and mental strength and self-confidence also count a lot. But sometimes the unexpected happens and we end up losing even though we have a good hand. When this happens we keep in mind that it is simple statistics and that it can also happen to our opponents. The advice we give you is to read the other players and pay attention to your cards and I recommend trusting yourself.

When we talk about Risk , memories go to endless challenges that last for hours and hours, while we witness the fateful operation of the roll of the dice. However, the latter constitute only a small part of the general strategy that we can adopt to win at Risiko . Playing on the defensive is a good trick to wear out other players since in the event of a tie the attacker loses. Don’t rush to expand too quickly, but try to optimize the relationship between your territories and your armies as best you can. This also gives you a psychological advantage, because those who grow quickly become the preferred target of the other players.

The Cluedo is one of those strategy games that never seems to be missing in the vicinity of the winter holidays. He is withdrawn from the attic with the inevitable reference to one of Agatha Christie’s novels and in fact the strategy to be adopted seems to be precisely the investigative one.

You must not leave out any information and eliminate at least one possibility among many at each turn. In this way we get a picture that is as simple and clear as possible to continue our investigation. I also recommend that you do not neglect the body language of your opponents, because the non-verbal hides much more than you can imagine.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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