Strontium carbonate

Strontium carbonate . It is a white or gray inorganic chemical compound . It is obtained from the mineral strontianite, very soluble in water and dilute acids.


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  • 1 Physical properties
  • 2 Natural state and obtaining
  • 3 Crystal system
  • 4 Applications
    • 1 Other uses
  • 5 Health risks
    • 1 Prevention and hygiene measures
  • 6 Sources

Physical properties

  • It is a white or gray colored salt.
  • Molar mass: 147.63 g / mol
  • Melting point: 1,497 ° C
  • Density: 3.5 g / cm³
  • Boiling point: 1,700 ° C
  • Crystalline system:Orthorhombic, orthorhombic bipyramids
  • Solubility: very soluble in water and other compounds
  • Misuse can produce certain harmful reactions for human beings

Natural state and obtaining

It is found in nature forming Strontianite or Strontionite mineral and is named after the village of Strontian, Lochaber, Scotland , where it was first discovered. It appears forming rhombic and brilliant crystals, of low temperature and in calcareous and clayey sediments, isomorphic with the aragonite.

Strontium carbonate is obtained from the use of celestine mineral (Sr2SO4), the procedure being carried out in five stages, constituting leaching ; carbonation, purification, carbonation and recovery of by-products, as well as the concentration of ammonium nitrate and the crystallization of ammonium sulfate, carrying out a treatment of the ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate solutions obtained for the subsequent crystallization of the former and concentration of the latter.

Another way of obtaining it is by treating an alkaline carbonate, such as sodium or ammonium, with an aqueous solution of a soluble strontium salt :

2Sr (NO 3 ) + 2CaCO 3 = 2 CaNO 3 + 2SrCO 3

In industry it is usually obtained by melting celestine or strontium sulfate with sodium carbonate:

2SrSO 4 + Na 2 CO 3 = 2NaSO 4 + 2SrCO 3

Crystal system

It has crystalline forms and orthorhombic aggregates, orthorhombic bipyramids, such as dense, brittle, contains microscopic needles or plates. Also in globular balls with small visible glass spines . It can also be formed as radiant, fibrous, granular and column, thin, long and pointed needles.


Strontium carbonate has multiple uses:

Pyrotechnics : its use in the manufacture of fireworks is quite common, since its utility is based on providing the bright red color to the flares when they are lit. It should be noted that most of the pyrotechnics that have strontium carbonate as a complement is used for military and non-military purposes.

In in the military: distress signals, tracer ammunition, military flares.

Non-military : we can see them in emergency signs and fireworks that are used in festivities.

Use of strontium carbonate.

Chemical industry  : it is used in the manufacture of special paints for the coating of river boats, since it prevents the metal from corroding over time .

Industry ceramics : in this industry is very useful, because its composition allows ceramics and everything related to the portion of glass have better resistance, scratching, and in the development stage are not thought bubbles. It is not toxic at all compared to using lead .

Glass industry : its use in the elaboration of everything related to glass, because it helps it to have a better firmness and resistance to all types of scratches, improves shine and polishing.

Pharmaceutical industry : It is used for the treatment of wastewater and the production of fluorescent lamps, cathode rays, and synthesis products.

Other uses

Computer screens and tubes for televisions: to make these objects, strontium carbonate is essential, since it creates a type of barrier that absorbs X-rays . Its chemical formulation added to the glass that is used for TVs and Computers gives it manageability and hardness .

Manufacture of magnets : it is used to make ferrites, which are a type of magnet used by electric car motors and horns .

Manufacture of paints and pigments: for the manufacture of paints and enamels of excellent quality, since they can last a long time, most of these paints are used to paint construction structures, to protect the beams from corrosion.

Eliminate lead impurities in obtaining pure zinc , this is called zinc electrolysis .

Health risks

There is a certain degree of harmfulness in the event that it is inhaled, likewise if exposure to the chemical is very prolonged, it can cause decalcification of the bones and other harmful effects on health.

Inhalation: irritation of the nose , throat and lungs this can be complicated character as a risk of making irreversible lung and can cause cancer of the lung .

Skin: if there is any prolonged contact with the skin, it can cause irritability and allergies.

Eyes: irritation and, if very severe, momentary blindness.

Ingestion: if ingested, this could cause gastric problems, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea .

Prevention and hygiene measures

There are certain measures that must be taken into account when using strontium carbonate:

  • Proper ventilation
  • Avoid accumulation of dust on the storage site
  • Avoid having direct contact
  • Do not place near other incompatible compounds
  • Avoid eating and smoking while handling strontium carbonate
  • Wash and rinse your hands well after handling is complete
  • Use the appropriate safety implements for its use, in order to avoid accidents and harmful damage to health.
  • If you are not sure of its use, it is preferable to go to specialized people


by Abdullah Sam
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