How to strengthen your personal integrity

Integrity is an important part in any facet of life, but at work it is the most important component for professional success. Trust is necessary and trust always begins with integrity. Integrity means doing things right even if no one is watching. People, especially in business, lie. They lie to get sales, to get money or favor deals. Customer service representatives hide the mistakes because they fear that customers will leave. Senior officials also lie and disappoint because power often corrupts.

Do what is right, even if there are consequences for it

How is a person acting with integrity? Positive examples may be the most difficult to find. That is true in both personal and professional relationships. If you have no integrity, it overflows in other parts of your life. Integrity cannot be compartmentalized, integrity can be seen in any type of behavior.

Integrity is an important part in any facet of life

Acting with integrity can be difficult. There are many situations that are not entirely clear, sometimes a person who always seems complete and makes a mistake, it seems that it is not really complete, although everything is relative … Although not being complete at work for example can cause you to lose your work or if you are not in your personal life, it can cause you to lose your family or your loved ones.

Integrity must be built so that you really notice that it is in your personality. Here we are going to give you some tips so that you are able to be an integral person and that the people around you trust you, both personally and at work .

Strengthen your personal integrity

To start you will have to talk to others and know what they think of you. You will have to find out if, you have an adequate level of trust for others. This way you will know if you are acting with integrity or if there are parts that you have to improve. With these tips you can shape your integrity so that others begin to trust you … really.

To start you will have to talk to others and know what they think of you

  • Keep your promises. Keep your promises both in your family, with your friends or at work. If you break a promise, you’ll have to apologize … But never break promises as a pattern of behavioror nobody will trust you.
  • Go to your appointments. Go to your professional appointments, but also to personal and family appointments. Others also need you to be by their side.
  • Before committing to something: reflect. Before committing to something you will have to reflect and be 100% sure that you want to do it or that you can comply with it.
  • Say no. You should feel like when you have to say no. No one can say yes to everything and move on with it.
  • Examine your reactions. You will have to examine how you react to your most instinctive emotions. In addition to how to have long-term commitments (for example, attend events, complete projects, etc.). Use this introspection to be aware of yourself, score and improve. (You can also use this behavior criterion to determine if others act with integrity with you.)
  • Improve your communication skills. Read that email or report again before sending it; Plan what you will say in oral presentations and phone calls. Blurred or poorly defined communication leads to broken promises … Ask someone to review written communications and point out ambiguities before sending them.
  • Consider what skills you have to develop. You will have to think about what your skills and strategies are that you need to develop better integrity in your person. You may have to stop certain actions (for example, speaking impulsively or sweetening your answers). And you may have to improve others: build your personal courage (because fear prevents you from acting with integrity). Apologize when you need it since it is more effective than trying to justify your failures.
  • Be careful with the language you use. It is important that you be careful about the language you use, especially when it comes to sensitive issues such as sexual preference, racism and religion.
  • Avoid people who have no integrity. The peoplewho have integrity do not have to be near you. Others will think about how you are according to who they are around you.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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