How to store fresh chicken eggs

Eggs are undoubtedly the most nutritious and most important food that hens can give us. But, in order to spoil them in the best possible way, it is necessary to respect some rules for their conservation: both to avoid bacteria and to counteract their perishability. We will therefore try to clarify how to store fresh chicken eggs .

Storage of eggs: rules to follow

Raising laying hens means always having a good number of delicious fresh eggs. To enjoy one of the many recipes that can be prepared with fresh eggs, it is necessary to observe a few simple rules to help keep them at their best. Let’s see how to store eggs .

Check their surface

If you usually buy eggs from a laying hen farm, always make sure that they are all perfectly intact . Numerous bacteria such as salmonella proliferate on the egg shell, waiting for nothing but to penetrate inside them through cracks and fissures, even of very small dimensions.

Put the eggs in the fridge and in their packaging

To keep eggs in the fridge, you’ll want to leave them in their packaging to prevent them from absorbing external odors. Always check that the temperature is between 0 and 4 degrees , in order to ensure a clear reduction of the risks associated with salmonellosis.

Numerous scientific tests have shown how refrigeration can positively affect the biological and gastronomic value of eggs. In fact, most bacteria tend to proliferate at temperatures between 4 and 60 degrees.

Production of chicken eggs on our own

In any case, be aware that fresh chicken eggs don’t necessarily need to be kept in the refrigerator! This is because, at the time of laying, the eggs are perfectly sterile. If we are certain that the hens that made them are healthy animals, we will consequently know that the contents of the eggs will be healthy, but also that the risk of contamination of the outer shell is quite remote.

A similar argument could also apply to eggs purchased directly from a breeder, but if we do not have sufficient elements to be sure of the animal’s health it would be better to use the fridge. That said, if you intend to build your own farm, you may be interested in more information onfeeding of laying hens It is on egg production cycle.

Duration fresh chicken eggs

How long do fresh chicken eggs last ? Those who usually buy eggs from a laying hen farm must know that to savor the typical flavor of freshly laid eggs, they will have to consume them within the first three days, paying close attention to avoiding sudden changes in temperature and preferring a storage temperature below 25 degrees. . Therefore, it will be advisable to avoid storing eggs near heat sources and, in the case of a particularly hot summer, it will be necessary to place them in the refrigerator.

The shelf life of fresh chicken eggs is about nine days, but it is possible to consume them for a further seven days without fear of anything.

Consume eggs from laying hens

Those who have the opportunity to buy them from a farm that deals with the production of hen eggs or to produce them in their own domestic breeding, has the opportunity to consume a product with a much higher biological and nutritional value , without having to fear anything from point of view of health, as long as you always remember to respect the obvious hygiene rules.

Remember that it is advisable to always wash your hands after touching the egg shell. And if you need to separate the yolk from the white (for a carbonara or meringues for example) try to use special tools (more hygienic) instead of the classic method of continuous pouring from one side of the shell to the other! With this method, the contents of the egg would come into contact with the shell, increasing the possible risk of contamination.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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