
Landing : in the aeronautical concept it is defined as the process in which an aircraft impacts in a controlled way a water surface in a manner analogous to a landing on land. By analogy, in the field of astronautics it is also described as landing the controlled impact of a space vehicle on the sea surface.


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  • 1 Features
  • 2 Types of landings
    • 1 Planned or controlled landings
    • 2 Unplanned or urgent landings
  • 3 Bibliography


A landing is achieved after having made a decrease in the altitude of the flight, having reduced the speed of the flight, following a pattern of approximation, inclination, planning and having identified the exact place where the landing will take place, whether in the surface of a river, a lake or the sea. Not to be confused with a plane crash on a water surface, even though an unplanned landing could lead to one.

Types of landings

You can distinguish 2 types of landings, controlled and emergency.

Planned or controlled landings

The planned or controlled are those that are carried out with all the security conditions and that are fulfilled after having reached the defined destination. These types of landings are made by seaplanes , some space capsules and airplanes and helicopters equipped with flotation elements .

Unexpected or urgent landings

The unplanned or emergency landings are those that are carried out in critical safety conditions, after an important problem has been detected in the plane or helicopter, unexpectedly during the flight, in a situation that induces to judge that it is not safe to continue in flight and that there are no viable alternatives to make a landing.


by Abdullah Sam
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