Smart Tutor System

Smart Tutor Systems. It is a computer-assisted teaching system that uses Artificial Intelligence techniques , mainly to represent knowledge and direct a teaching strategy; and she is capable of behaving as an expert, both in the domain of the knowledge she teaches (showing the student how to apply said knowledge), and in the pedagogical domain, where she is able to diagnose the situation in which the student finds herself


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  • 1 Objective
  • 2 Features
  • 3 ITS and Artificial Intelligence
  • 4 STIs in education
  • 5 Sources


The goal of an STI is to give a computer the ability to get involved in the teaching process using Artificial Intelligence techniques. Converting it not only into a static information vehicle , but into a dynamic instructor capable of simulating a human teacher.


  • You must be able to become an expert in the subject you are teaching.
  • You have to be an expert in educational techniques.
  • You have to make several decisions and learn from the cases that come your way.
  • He must know how to develop a program to impart a certain knowledge, and constantly evaluate the student to be able to decide what content should be taught at all times and what is the best way to show it to each student in particular.

STIs and Artificial Intelligence

STIs use Artificial Intelligence to incorporate knowledge and acquire educational techniques to teach a subject. They thus manage to control the level of learning of each of the students and in this way a personalized instruction is guaranteed. These systems are characterized by having a high level of specialization in the content they teach, becoming expert systems.

STIs in education

STIs are very supportive of the educational process. They can be used as a supplement to teacher-given instruction, either simply to reinforce knowledge, to assist more talented students, or to assist slower learners; and they can even replace the presence of the teacher in many cases.

Such a system, too, could give the teacher information about the student’s performance so that he can apply the measures he deems appropriate. It is worth analyzing that worldwide the construction of Intelligent Tutor Systems is a very expensive process; it requires the use of many resources such as time , highly qualified personnel and high-level computer technologies, but its impact is very positive in supporting the teaching-learning process in any environment.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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