How the sin of greed can destroy the budget

The sin of greed can strike any one of us

“Nothing in excess”: says the famous motto in Delphos, a city in ancient Greece, the cradle of classical philosophy. The golden rule can be put on many issues, however, never before has consumerism in the world seen so much growth as victims worldwide. The balance Financial depends on each individual choose not to eat today, do not have greed for other people’s things or unnecessary.

The financial budget is built by discipline, which, in turn, emanates from the good use of money. Excess has consequences, and the sin of greed, unfortunately, can strike any one of us. A1-pieces% C3% A7os-gm842445016-137536329

Illustrative photo: sqback by Getty Images

To understand the consumerism and greed that we have as a goal in many cultures, not only in Brazil, but also in different parts of the world, it is necessary to go back in history a little. Even in the 1930s, the United States was plunged into a deep financial crisis, now known as the 29th crisis. The New York Stock Exchange’s shares plummeted absurdly. The country was immersed in the chaos of unemployment and economic depression.

The culture of consumerism

To “cure” such ailment and by various public and private organizations, the slogan emerged: The American Way Of Life, that is, the American dream of living freedom , consumption and excesses without limits. The campaign worked, the country came out of recession. However, the culture of consumerism has left its mark for many decades until today.

One of the greatest exponents of consumption, pleasure and misuse of money is the city of Las Vegas, in the desert of the American West. Casinos, drugs, prostitution, crimes and all kinds of sin in one place.

Before the American Dream consumerist campaign, people used to buy out of necessity. When a clothing or object broke, ripped, or stopped working, it was naturally sought to replace it with a new one. The habit was to buy what is needed, to spend money on needs.

With the growing consumerist culture and, also, the constant launch of new products and services, in order to serve people increasingly anxious for new products, little by little, the word need for desire was changed. People no longer needed to wait for their objects, cars, clothes, appliances to stop working. Each one could buy and spend what they wanted and when they wanted. Fashion would dictate consumption; and consumers would dictate what would come into fashion. A dangerous and vicious cycle.

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Love of money

The sin of greed, therefore, has gained great space at this time. He was allowed and induced to society, first in the USA, then, in several countries, he was induced to buy and spend, to aspire to things and to consume, in order to fulfill desires. Therefore, the field of decisions went from the rational to the emotional, subjective sphere, relative to each individual. Money, therefore, became the object of desire by enabling and providing consumerism, having and pleasure.

The love of money, the root of all evils (1 Tim, 6.10), has become the focus and ultimate goal in itself. The possibility to buy, spend and enjoy, made money a superstar. Never before have you seen so many lotteries and mega-scenes, TV shows to be millionaires or movies and posts on social networks with waste, waste and waste.

Our Holy Mother Church teaches that we are administrators of earthly goods and also of money. The sin of greed is not just a sin, but a capital sin, that is, the root and source of many other sins.

I am a university professor and I speak at colleges and schools. What I hear most from young people is the desire to be a millionaire and earn money in the future. Young people and students are not to blame! It is our society and our values
that mislead them.

Instead of looking for fulfillment in vocation, in the hardness of a decent job and, who knows, very well paid as a consequence. Nothing wrong with that! However, today, there are very wealthy people, who live in palaces, but live like beggars. They live waiting for love, affection and affection; they hope to buy such things that are given to the poor in spirit for free.

“Not the money that rules, but that serves” (Pope Francis)

The Pope’s phrase reflects that money in itself is not evil, but what we make of it can be good or evil. When I give up my resources and help people, I create jobs, I pay my employees well, I give my family quality of life, I try to consume moderately, I make money my servant. When I place figures above people; step over values ​​and principles to accumulate assets; even through corruption , in doing so, I make money an evil, a sin, a mad and senseless greed.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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