Simple ways to make you work more efficiently.

Doing a good job is not making a lot. Or working hard You’ve probably heard the saying “Do little but get more” which is a famous motto in the business world. Because if you work hard but you get very little pay. You’ll feel like you’ve never accomplished anything, even when you’re tired. But this is something that can be trained to become a habit. Read through this article and you will find that doing less can really help your job be more efficient.

Find the right moment

Each person has a different time period to work effectively. Find out when you are best at work – early morning, daytime, or night. If you discover these things, then you are going to devote that time to your work fully. Without having to come to work all day and not progress anywhere

Reduce unnecessary decisions

People have to make regular decisions because life has many options. But we can remove unnecessary decisions. Or to decide at a time when it does not affect the job, for example, if you have to choose what to wear to work. Then choose at night So that in the morning you do not have to sit and choose to waste time. Try to plan ahead. Because decisions that are accelerated during this time can ruin the rhythm of your life. Or if any of these decisions are unnecessary, try cutting them out.

Do it one by one

Multitasking is ideal. It’s very difficult to do so many things at once and all come out good. Because our brains cannot focus on two things at the same time. (Or do it badly), the more you try to do many things at the same time. Your brain will be inefficient. But you will feel that nowadays the technology is advancing. Multitasking is fine. In a good way, it shouldn’t be like that. If you want to change these habits, we have some tips.

  • Set working time Initially maybe half an hour. Where you have to focus on just one job, not distracted or doing other things that are irrelevant If you succeed, add more time. It will help you focus on your work for longer.
  • Turn off notifications Because notifications from your phone or computer are distracting. Focusing on something takes time. But a single notification gets you back to focus. Which makes you wasted time

Take a deep breath

Oxygen makes your brain more alert and focused. Take a minute to slowly breathe in and out. You will feel more energized. And relax your tired brain from work

Re-seat work

Did you know that working seating has a great effect on efficiency? The results of the survey found that companies that arranged for employees to sit close to each other have 15% more work because if you sit close to the people who work effectively. You will feel the fire with another person.


The last thing is that you have to sit back and reflect on what you do each day. As well as think about what you will do tomorrow The benefits of doing this are You can assess yourself. About what you did that worked And what does not work It also makes you feel good when you’ve accomplished something.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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