Shadow in perspective

Shadow in perspective . The shadow in the drawing is an important element for the location, since it complements, along with other elements, the message to be transmitted. The shadow is used in architectural graphics to express the shape of the bodies and the surface on which it is based, to make the drawing more understandable .


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  • 1 Determination of shade
  • 2 Shadow in orthogonal projection
    • 1 Shadow of a point
    • 2 Shadow of a straight line
    • 3 Shadow of flat figures
  • 3 Shadow in conical projection
  • 4 Sources
  • 5 External links

Shade determination

The shadow is conventionally determined by a ray of light, the component of which has a line of height (vertical plane), which oscillates between the notable angles of 30 degrees, 45 degrees or 60 degrees and another in the horizontal plane with angles that also vary; so that its direction is seen both in elevation and in superior views.

Orthogonal projection shadow

It is important to start from three fundamental elements:

Shadow of a point

The shadow of a point is nothing more than the trace of the ray of light.

Shadow of a straight line

The shadow of a line is determined by the shadow of two of its points and is only the intersection of the light plane with the projection plane.

Flat figures shadow

After analyzing the position of the light source, the shadow of several of its fundamental points is determined. The shadow cast is darker than its own, so it must be expressed in the hatching of both.

Conical projection shadow

It is widely used in architecture. As in the perspective of lines, the perspective of the ray of light is determined by drawing the visuals of two of its points and their projections on the ground plane, and then drawing the visual.


by Abdullah Sam
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