Science Education: What, When and Why?

Science education is a field that seeks to teach science to those who are not members of the scientific community. The subjects taught are related to life, earth and space, and the information transmitted to students through this course is intended to assist them in their own secondary education. People belonging to various age groups can take science education, such as children, adults and also university students.

Various types of methodologies are used in the science education process. These methodologies are taken from various branches of science such as anthropology, cognitive science, computer science, and cognitive psychology. In the United States, the National Standards set the standards for this education. The unique thing about this standard is that it is more research-based than something that uses direct instruction. In general, it is an effective model for science education, although there are elements that some consider somewhat controversial.

One type of science education is informal education, where students learn outside of their formal curriculum. Such education is delivered through community-based programs. The media is a strong tool for informal science education, and such information can be transmitted through videos, various types of images, and also in print media. Examples of informal media education are television programs such as Dragonfly TV, Bill Nye The Science Guy, The Magic School Bus and NOVA and those offered by community programs are After School Programs and 4-H Youth Development .

Informal education plays an important role in unbiased knowledge of science because it spreads awareness in an informal setting, along with interesting visual aids and context-based voiceovers that make the topic easy to understand. It is an effective means of imparting science to people, without leading them to complex questions, while providing a general understanding of the subject.

by Abdullah Sam
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