SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online).

SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online). It is a digital library of Brazilian scientific journals in electronic format. Organize and publish full texts of magazines on the Internet , in addition to producing and publishing indicators about their use and impact.


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  • 1 Hypothesis of the Scielo project
  • 2 Project objectives
  • 3 Principles of the project
  • 4 Project modules
    • 1 DTD module
    • 2 Dial module
    • 3 Converter module
    • 4 Interface module
    • 5 Reporting module
  • 5 Project Products
  • 6 Sources
  • 7 External links

Scielo project hypothesis

The following hypotheses supported the proposal to develop the SciELO methodology:

  • The intensive use of information technologies in the scientific communication process that has enabled the creation of electronic publishing, contributes to enriching and expanding traditional media.
  • The adoption of electronic publication by publishers, advertisers, libraries and readers will be facilitated by creating and having a common methodology that technically, economically and managerially makes viable the process of transition from traditional publication to electronic format. At the same time, using a common methodology will prevent mutually incompatible ezines from being destroyed.
  • Electronic publication with a common methodology will promote the renewal of the traditional scientific communication process, by integrating the publication functions themselves, in addition to favoring bibliographic control, the conservation and preservation of collections of periodical publications, and will also make it possible to measure their use and impact.
  • The application of a common and advanced methodology with the creation of libraries of scientific publications on-line, will cause the access and dissemination of scientific literature to increase dramatically and will contribute to its greater impact.
  • Using a common methodology will create an enabling environment that will lead to improved quality of scientific periodicals in terms of both form and content.

Objectives of the project

Based on the above questions, in the first phase of the SciELO project, the following specific objectives were worked on:

  • Develop a common methodology for preparing, storing, disseminating and evaluating electronic scientific publications, through the collection and application of advanced information technology resources.
  • Implement and launch the pilot application of the methodology in a selected group of Brazilian scientific publications.
  • Promote the wide dissemination of the methodology at the national and international levels, with priority in the countries of Latin Americaand the Caribbean.

Achieving these goals is the first step in creating, in the medium term, a national library of scientific periodicals in electronic form. The project will contribute, in the future, to developing Brazilian and Latin American science, so that the means of dissemination, publication and evaluation of its results are perfected and expanded.

Principles of the project

The project adopted a set of fundamental principles and methods as the basis for its development:

  • Commitment to preserve the identities of periodicals, including the specific editorial and production policy of each one.
  • Observance of the standards and standards of electronic scientific publication practiced internationally.
  • Intensive use of information technologies adaptable to the conditions of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Project modules

DTD module

This module is made up of a set of DTDs (Document Type Definition or Document Type Definition) and is based on ISO 8879/86 (Standard Generalized Markup Language SGML), ISO 12083/94 (Electronic Manuscript Preparation and Markup) and those of the European Group on SGML.

On the basis of this SGML metalanguage , SciELO DTDs were developed, which describe the structure of articles and other texts of scientific periodicals, and precisely identify and define their structure and the constituent bibliographic elements, the context in which they appear, their mandatory nature. and its attributes. DTDs are used for the description and computerized processing of texts.

SciELO DTDs, in addition to being compatible with their international counterparts, define bibliographic elements according to a set of documentation and information standards such as those of the ISO.

There are 3 SciELO DTDs, called Serial , Article and Text . Together, they describe all the key elements of periodicals.

Thus, the Serial describes a number of a periodical publication as a whole, including a summary of the characteristics of the title in question, its editorial body, instructions for authors and summary.

The Article describes the bibliographic elements of a scientific article; and the Text defines other types of text such as editorials, letters to the reader and obituaries.

Dial module

This module is integrated by Markup and SGML Parser computer programs, whose purpose is to help the text marking process using SciELO DTDs. The Markup program is an interface that is created to allow visual identification and manual and automatic marking of the blocks, groups and individual elements of a text according to the SciELO DTDs. The marking of these components is called tags (labels and marks).

Converters module

The converters module brings together the computer programs that operate the processes related to the database to produce electronic periodicals. This database includes, among other entities, the bibliographic description of the individual numbers of those titles, which are already incorporated into the library, and the full texts of those numbers.

The converters module deals with the integration of texts in their respective volume and number, while the marking module deals with texts individually.

The converters module also includes the process of validation and standardization of the titles of periodicals that are cited in bibliographic references, according to the title registry of the ISSM Center. This standardization is essential for the proper functioning of the reporting module, especially with regard to bibliometric indicators. It is also essential to establish internal and external connections with SciELO.

Interface module

It brings together all the processes related to the creation, maintenance and operation of a periodical publication or a collection of periodical publications in the protocol of a hypertext World Wide Web (WWW) of the internet, called Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http). In this way, the module operates in the standard Internet environment made up of a Web server system and a Web-client-system “browser”, which allows the interface to follow the evolution that occurs in servers, in browsers or in the http protocol.

The input data of the interface module is obtained from the processes of the converters module and the reports module. The interface data model has as its central component the electronic texts database, which is made up of the rest of the interface’s data components, including auxiliary databases, files from different media text (images, video and sound), files in PDF (Portable Document Format), etc. The WWWISIS22 server operates through the CGI (Conmmon Gateway Interface) pattern device.

The SciELO navigation or operation interface comprises two main contexts: a collection of periodicals and the individual periodical. It can be configured to operate in different languages ​​and graphic styles, as well as in different bibliographic standards to present the legends and references.

Reporting module

It gathers the automated procedures to produce indicators of use of periodicals that is based on the records of access to the library, as well as of bibliometric indicators that do so in the bibliographic records of the articles and in the bibliographic records of the citations it contains. .

The reports apply to a collection of periodicals, to subsets of these, or to individual titles.

Products of the project

The main product of the project, the SciELO methodology, is a set of standards, guides, manuals, computer programs, and operational procedures aimed at preparing texts for periodical-scientific publications in electronic format that include, among others, the following functions:

  • Storage of structured texts in databases.
  • Disclosure of periodicals on the internet or in other media.
  • Recovery of articles and other texts for their content.
  • Regular production of usage reports and bibliometric indicators.
  • Refinement of criteria to evaluate the quality of periodical publications and development of procedures and policies to preserve electronic publications.

The SciELO methodology is, on the one hand, a response to the demand of scientific publishers to find reliable solutions for the electronic dissemination of their periodicals, which are compatible with the most important international initiatives; On the other hand, responds to an old claim relating to trade bibliographic databases to not only monitor and disseminate scientific literature, but also to allow the production of indicators in order to subsidize studies bibliometrics, informetrics and scientometrics on scientific production most important national.

The application of the SciELO methodology in the operation of databases of collections of scientific periodicals on the internet, by projecting itself as a common solution that can be adopted by the community of scientific publishers, will contribute to increasing the dissemination of publications, will prevent Incompatible electronic periodicals multiply and will facilitate bibliographic control, maintenance and preservation of collections.


by Abdullah Sam
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