Rural sociology

Rural sociology . It is about the scientific study of the activity and behavior among people who live far from places of great concentration of population and economic activity. Like all sociological disciplines, rural sociology includes statistical data analysis, interviews, social theory, observation, survey research.


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  • 1 Object
  • 2 Objectives
  • 3 Features
    • 1 Economy
  • 4 Rural sociologist
  • 5 Sources


The object of study of the specialty of Rural Sociology is precisely the rural society.


By having rural society as an object of study, Rural Sociology seeks to know, analyze and explain: The structure of this society, that is, its classes, its groups, its communities. The relations of cooperation and conflict – internal and external – that are generated from the interaction of its components in the different spheres in which they operate: the political, the economic, the cultural and the social. The changes and transformations that occur in it as a result of the interaction of its members with national and world society as a whole.


Rural sociology is a field of sociology associated with the study of social life in non-metropolitan areas.

It is the scientific study of the activity and behavior among people who live far from places of great concentration of population and economic activity. Like all sociological disciplines, rural sociology includes statistical data analysis, interviews, social theory, observation, survey research.


The rural economy is one of the foci of rural sociology and a large part of this field is devoted to the economy of agrarian (agricultural and livestock) and forestry production. Other areas of study include rural exodus and depopulation, environmental sociology, state-owned land policies, social disruption, health care, educational policies.

Rural sociologist

With social organizations: communities; agricultural producer organizations, cooperatives: supporting the development, implementation and evaluation of their projects and organizational forms and in making decisions related to the legislative field.

  • In agricultural law firms or offices: coordinating or supporting aspects of training and advice in rural areas.
  • In official institutions and programs: coordinating or supporting the assignment and administration of social development projects in rural areas.
  • In international organizations: FAO , Foundations, Fidamérica: developing, articulating and / or evaluating development programs or social impact.
  • In own private companies or third parties directing or supporting decision-making on work organization, commercial projects or organizational strategies.
  • In the academies: in activities that through teaching and research promote critical and analytical judgment on social events in the rural national and international environment.


by Abdullah Sam
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