Rules of Etiquette

Living in society is not easy, much less when we need to behave differently than we are used to. It is common for us to have more relaxed attitudes at home, unconcerned with the rules of etiquette, which is normal, but we cannot behave in the same way everywhere.

At each stage of life we ​​can learn concepts about education, social etiquette and use them in our environment according to our desires and interests.

When they are in groups, in cafeterias, some teenagers usually throw pieces of food at others, as a way to make fun and attract the attention of the group. Playing with food is not a correct attitude, nor is it beautiful, but it can be understandable if done by very young children, as this practice can entertain them.

Using cutlery, serving a good table is not an easy task for those who have never dealt with the amount of glasses and cutlery placed on the seats. It is easy to follow in the footsteps of someone who served before you, without letting others know. When these rules are learned at home, facing these situations is much easier.

Service for a full meal

Speaking slang and swearing is a grotesque way of communicating, which is accepted only by the small group in which you are inserted. There are some rules of expression, such as treatment pronouns, which must be respected and used as a way of showing respect for the person and their professional occupation.

Lending objects is an attitude that many do not like. Young children have this difficulty, but through dialogue they can grow and understand that this is an attitude for those who want to live in a group. The important thing is to realize that the world does not revolve around itself and that sharing makes us generous and is an attitude that friends like.

Don’t stop now … There’s more after the publicity;)

Some people cannot hear without interrupting, that is, they speak over others’ speeches, manifesting themselves as impulsive and inelegant. Learn to control your speech, your ideas, as it is an attitude of respect and delicacy with the person who is talking to you. Cursing is also not an adequate form of expression, but even so, some people consider it valid. Beware of this habit, as it can damage your friendship as well as work relationships.

Some clothes can also damage your relationships. Using exposed underwear is an attitude that is not always well regarded. Exaggerations can also harm or make a bad impression. The important thing is to adapt the clothes for each occasion, whether formal or stripped, whether thin or common to our daily lives. It is good to remember that common sense is the best way to avoid gaffes.

It would be better if everyone learned to live with the basic rules of etiquette since childhood, because in this way, attitudes would become more spontaneous, common in people’s lives, facilitating the ways of behaving in the social environment.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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