
Resistance . It does not have a universal definition since the term is used and applied to describe different situations and by different disciplines.

The Latin concept of resistance has acquired various uses today. In this way, the word resistance is used in physics , engineering , psychology , medicine, and geography .

Types of resistance

  • Electrical resistanceof a substance , which is the opposition that the electric current finds to circulate. Its value is designated in ohms . On the other hand, the electronic component designed to introduce a determined electrical resistance between two points of a circuit is called a resistance or resistor .
  • The resistance of an element, on the other hand, is the ability of a solid element to resist efforts and applied forces without breaking, acquiring permanent deformations or deteriorating in any way.
  • The physical endurance, on the other hand, is one of the physical abilities (that which allows us to carry out work for a while longer). In this way, endurance racing is an automobile and motorcycling discipline in which the reliability of vehicles and the physical resistance of pilots are tested.
  • For psychology, resistance is an opposite attitude to the therapeutic setting. Resistance behavior is oppositional behavior of one individual against another (or others), which can have a positive or negative value.
  • In the social sciences, resistance involves a person’s rejection of practices that have so far allowed him to think about himself. Thus resistance implies an individual or collective search for other practices.


by Abdullah Sam
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