Report Preface: Examples & Explanations

The report introduction is an important part of the overall written research report. In principle, the function of the foreword of the report is to “lead” the reader to the contents of the report.

Readers need to be ushered in as part of the ethical process of understanding the report. Thus, if the report is written without an introduction, the contents of the report are like being immediately presented to the reader so that the reader is shocked and jumps up and down. The point is that it is less ethical.

Read also Research Design: Examples and Explanations The foreword of the report to be reviewed in this post is the introduction to the research or research report. There are many types of research reports, including theses, theses, papers, and so on. I am referring here to research reports in their most general form only. In other words, it is not specific to mention a thesis, thesis or paper although this preface can be used for some types of research reports.

Before proceeding to the discussion, I will describe the example foreword below. Readers who are looking for information on how to make a preface to a research report can refer to this post. After describing the example, we will briefly review what how to write an introduction and what needs to be written.

Example of a report introduction

Look at the examples below carefully. The names of other people and institutions are not important to note. What is important to note is the content of the written introduction. Consider the following example: Read also: Sample Research Proposal

We always give thanks for the presence of God Almighty who has given us the gift of the opportunity to learn.

The completion of this research report does not mean the end of our duties as learners. In fact, this report is a first step towards consistently studying what we have reviewed and written here.

As a discourse that is endlessly discussed, democracy often provides complex disagreements and debates. Democracy is not only about politics, but also about economy, social, culture, education, and even a matter of mentality. Of course, there are many other democratic discourses that can be viewed from various aspects.

In general, this research report discusses the implementation of democracy in Indonesia. The breadth of the discourse on democracy provides an opportunity for us to focus on one equally important aspect, namely education. In education, the culture and psycho-social aspects built by the learners are strongly attached.

French sociologist, Pierre Bourdieu, argues that educational institutions such as schools and colleges are arenas for cultural reproduction. This means that democracy with a set of cultural values ​​can be produced and reproduced through the educational process. Schools are one of the arenas where democracy can be realized.

Tolerance, egalitarianism, discipline, care, and solidarity are attitudes or behaviors that are understood here as democratic culture. In fact, a democratic culture builds harmony with the realization of a democratic social life as well as the creation of justice, equality and prosperity.

Schools as an arena for cultural reproduction can play a role in realizing student demoratic behavior in order to create a democratic life within the scope of school and society in the future. The education process in schools plays an important role in realizing this vision. It is on this basis that this research was conducted.

In fact, this work would not have been completed without the participation of the parties who were directly or indirectly involved in the research for this paper. Although it cannot be mentioned one by one, we would like to express our gratitude to our supervisor and teachers and students of SMP Laison Bulukumba who participated in this research on “Building a Student Democracy Culture”.

This research report always requires wisdom in the form of suggestions, admonitions, and constructive criticism in order to be more optimal. Finally, no matter how small the contribution that can be made from this research, hopefully it will be useful.

Bulukumba, 21 November 2017

Research team

Also read: Sample Preface

A brief description

From the example above, we can see that there are several important parts of the foreword: Expressions of gratitude, glimpses of research topics, thanks, requests for advice, hopes for the future. The actual structure of the preface varies. The example above is just one of them.

Some of the preface that I have read show more complete points than the example above. Again, the example above is an example in its simple form. Some points that need to be written in the introduction to a more complete research report can include:

  • An expression of gratitude
  • An introduction to the research report theme
  • A brief explanation of the selected report title
  • Brief explanation of report writing structure
  • Thanks to those who participated in the research
  • Thanks to the parties who participated in the preparation of the report
  • Limitations or limitations / shortcomings of research reports
  • Description of the need for criticism and suggestions
  • A description of the expectations with the completion or publication of the report

Also read : Research Proposal Systematics There is no limit to the number of ideal introductions. The size of the details should not exceed the content of the report itself. The ideal size of the foreword can be said to cover several of the points mentioned above and successfully perform its function as an “introduction” to the content of the report.

My experience involved in writing several research reports shows that a written introduction usually only takes 1-2 pages. Unless the foreword was written by a contributor from outside the drafting team so that the number of pages can be determined in advance. Introductions written by outstanding contributors are typically 1000 words long. Again, there are no mandatory provisions for the number of pages and the number of words that must be met for writing a preface.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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