How to replace butter, eggs, sugar or flour in a cake recipe

Do you want to make a very tasty cake to liven up when life is charging you a lot? Nothing better for difficult times than a recipe that is practically a hug in your mood.

But you don’t always have all the ingredients at home. Or you may have some dietary restrictions.

To help you with any restrictions, we have prepared this post with foods that you can use to replace eggs, butter, flour, yeast and sugar in a recipe. Write down and use these tips whenever you need them.

It is worth remembering here that a cup is the same as a 250 ml cup.


To replace eggs:

  • A quarter cup of mashed banana.
  • One tablespoon of flax seeds and three tablespoons of water.
  • A quarter cup of tofu.
  • Three tablespoons of vegetable oil and one of water.
  • Two or three tablespoons of mayonnaise.

To replace the butter:

  • It can be replaced by any oil.
  • Coconut oil.

To replace the flour:

  • Potato or corn starch.
  • 50g of almond powder and 50g of starch.

To replace yeast:

A small tablespoon of baking soda. If you want to add more acidity, add lemon juice or a little vinegar.

To replace sugar:

  • Honey (50 grams equals 100 white sugar).
  • Vanilla
  • Stevia
  • Maple syrup (50 grams)
  • Cinnamon
  • Nutmeg


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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