Renewable energy

Renewable energy is all the energy that is obtained from natural sources such as water, sun, wind and animal or plant biomass.

Renewable energy comes from natural resources, for that reason it does not contaminate the environment and does not run out; because some resources such as the sun are abundant or because they are resources that can be found anywhere in the world.

Renewable energy has been a topic of great importance worldwide, because more environmentally friendly solutions are being sought.

The most important advance on this issue was the World Climate Summit held in 2015 in the French city of Paris, where the Paris Agreement was signed, in this agreement the international community decided to support renewable energy projects.

This agreement will take effect in the year 2,020 and the 200 countries that signed it, have pledged to reduce pollutant emissions. Seeking to reach a global objective that the increase in temperature on the planet at the end of this century is between 2 to 1.5 degrees.

Characteristics of renewable energy

The three most important characteristics of renewable energy are:

1. Does not pollute

It is a clean energy any process of production or extraction of energy that does not generate waste that pollutes the environment, that is, the possibility of having a polluting effect is eliminated, because any waste that is dangerous for the environment is eliminated.

2. It does not run out

It is an inexhaustible energy, because it comes from resources that are natural and totally renewable, the amount available can be maintained over time, even if used in large proportions.

3. It is competitive

It is a competitive energy, since once the initial investment has been made to make it work efficiently; The costs are relatively low. In addition, it is a type of energy that can have many different applications; But the most important thing is that it contributes to sustainable economic development.

Types of renewable energy

Renewable energy is characterized by being very diverse, but among the most used we find

1. Solar energy

Solar energy is what is obtained from light or heat from the sun. The ways of using solar energy can be very diverse

  • Photovoltaic Solar: directly transforms the sun’s radiation and is converted into electricity, by means of photovoltaic panels.
  • Solar Thermoelectric:it is also known as solar thermal, in this case solar energy is used to produce heat and with it you can heat water and cook food. The sun’s energy is concentrated through the use of mirrors or lenses.

2. Wind energy

It is the energy that is produced by taking advantage of the force of the wind, the wind moves the rotors or mills that are connected to electricity generators.

Wind energy is used to move large energy parks, but the mini-wind application that moves power generators below 100 KW can also be used, which allows it to adapt to the consumption needs of each specific location, which does not need to use large quantities or that are isolated areas.

3. Hydraulic energy

It is the energy obtained with the use of river or freshwater currents, it is also called hydroelectric power. It is usually generated in dams and by the kinetic energy produced by the force of the water that moves the turbines that produce electricity. It has been one of the oldest forms that have been used to produce electrical energy.

4. Biomass and biogas

This form of energy is obtained through the use of organic matter. It is produced by combustion of organic wastes of animal or plant origin, it is an ecological and economic way to produce the movement of internal combustion engines. As an energy source it also produces electricity, hot water and heating.

5. Geothermal energy

It is the energy deposited in the form of heat inside the earth, it can be used to produce heat and electrical energy. It is available 24 hours a day in deposits located inside the earth’s surface, usually in volcanoes.

6. Sea energy

The energy of the sea or marine is the one that is obtained from the force of the tides or the waves, and with this you can get to obtain electrical energy. The sea energy can be thermal, photovoltaic and thermoelectric.

Advantages of renewable energy

There are innumerable advantages that can be obtained with the use of non-renewable energies, but we can summarize them in the following:

  • They do not emit greenhouse gases: itis one of the cleanest solutions to produce energy. The fact of not contaminating the environment makes them one of the best options to conserve and preserve the environment.
  • They decrease energy dependence: the sun, water and wind are found anywhere in the world, unlike fossil fuels that are only found in certain places on the planet, so countries that do not have them have to import them from other nations.
  • They are not finished:as they come from natural resources, you can use as much as you want and remain renewable. For that reason they are considered as a sustainable option for future energy use for all mankind.

It becomes increasingly competitive

The interest in this type of energy has made it increasingly invested in them, which allows the costs to be reduced and thus become more accessible to different countries.

We can conclude by saying that renewable energy is valued as one of the best solutions to produce energy. They are cleaner, widely competitive and are available unlimitedly in all parts of the world.

In addition, their application is very diverse, they are abundant and have high potential. However, the most important thing is that they do not pollute our planet and this allows us a sustainable economic development.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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