What does “Remember, Remember November 5” mean?

Remember, remember 5th November …” is the first line of John Milton’s poem In Quintum Novembris ( The fifth of November ). The poem alluded to the events of November 5, 1605.

The origin of Guy Fawkes Night

In November 5, 1605, police arrested a man known as Guy Fawkes who was part of the Gunpowder Plot group. He was guarding explosives intended to blow up the House of Lords, ending the life of King James I and the entire government of Great Britain. The explosion would also have led to the death of many other citizens of London. Once the government was “wiped out”, the British Catholic monarchy would be restored. When news of Guy Fawkes’ arrest spread, people were in jubilation. They lit bonfires around London to celebrate the safety of the king and the safety of all people. Guy Fawkes faced torture, trials and executions for his actions. However, November 5th has become an annual British holiday called “Guy Fawkes Day”.

Different meanings of Guy Fawkes Day over the years

At the beginning of the Guy Fawkes Day celebration, the Observance of 5thth November Act described it as a day celebrating the failure of the plot against the king, government officials and the people. However, in the 17th century, Protestants honored the day as a celebration of God’s providential providence. According to them, the Lord had freed Britain from the dangerous rule of Catholic domination. The ceremony brought with it Protestant religious tones and anti-Catholic sentiments. Under the Hanoverians, the Guy Fawkes Day has had increasingly violent class clashes. London militias influence the proclamation of bonfires and fireworks in 1682. In the 1850s, anti-Catholic rhetoric faded and violence became a thing of the past. Consequently, the Guy Fawkes Day became a social commemoration. The introduction of bonfires and fireworks for the celebration arrived in the early 20th century, when the reign of Queen Victoria in England ended.

What Fawkes Night means today

At the moment, big events like bonfires and extravagant fireworks are part of the Guy Fawkes night celebration. The growing popularity of the Halloween celebration threatens the future of the Guy Fawkes party. Nevertheless, the day has become a universal emblem used by groups that detest the repressive actions of their governments. Supporters of the “Occupy Movement” often wear the Guy Fawkes mask, the movement protests against growing corruption, greed and lack of responsibility in financial and political spheres.

People have different opinions about the meaning of the mask. , is a symbol of “active terrorism”. Such a view is anchored to the deeds of the killings scheduled for 1605, but for others, the masks are a demonstration of unity against the corporate and political greed. The Guy Fawkes Day was celebrated today has a greater meaning than anyone can imagine in the 16th century. A nobler meaning than the person to whom it was named.So “Remember, remember 5th November” is an expression that refers to the celebration of Guy Fawkes Day. Guy Fawkes and his group members acted in protest against the continuing persecution of English Catholics.


by Abdullah Sam
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