What is the relationship of the inverted uterus to pregnancy?

Women have to deal with many situations and doubts. One of them is pregnancy, which is the desire of many.

However, some difficulties may arise for those who wish to become pregnant, such as the inverted uterus.

Do you know what this is?

I tell you in the post this relationship of the inverted uterus with pregnancy.

After all, what is the relationship of the inverted uterus to pregnancy? 

The inverted uterus, also called retroverted , is a condition that leaves the female organ in a position opposite to normal, that is, leaning over the bladder and more positioned forward. This means that it is in the opposite direction, closer to the intestine.

According to studies, the percentage of women with an inverted uterus is between 15% and 25%.

Anyone who thinks that this condition is considered a disease is mistaken, because it is not.

The inverted uterus is often only checked by the doctor on an ultrasound exam. Furthermore, the uterus is an organ that is not normally fixed. It can move according to some situations.

One example is when there is sexual intercourse or pregnancy . During pregnancy, the uterus also moves naturally, in addition to increasing in size, occupying the entire pelvis of the woman.

Thus, contrary to what most people think, and even some women, the inverted uterus does not prevent the woman from becoming pregnant , after all, this organ is not fixed, not compromising the realization of the dream and a peaceful and normal pregnancy .

Thus, women with an inverted uterus do not need any special care during pregnancy or childbirth.

However, even if this condition is not considered a disease, it can make fertilization difficult, because in some cases the uterus can hinder the passage of sperm.

Main causes of inverted uterus

As we know, it is common for the uterus to have changes in positions during a woman’s life, either during sex or during pregnancy.

However, other problems can cause this condition, such as:

  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Endometriosis ;
  • Incorrect development of the uterus in adolescence.

In such cases, medical treatment can be carried out, not to treat the inverted uterus, but to alleviate and cure the diseases that can cause this condition.

Gynecological consultation: important in the diagnosis of inverted uterus

As there are few symptoms in women, gynecological consultation is the main way to receive the diagnosis.

Although women have the habit of going to the doctor more often when compared to men, many still do not have a good frequency in the gynecologist.

In addition, having gynecological exams annually, or according to medical advice, helps not only to diagnose the inverted uterus, but to identify diseases such as STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) and cancer of the cervix or ovary, among other diseases that can affect women and their reproductive organs.

During the medical consultation, it is important to talk and ask the doctor your main questions about the inverted uterus and others.

Never fail to expose symptoms and irregularities that may happen, because only through clarification and diagnosis is it possible to remedy these complaints.

How to treat the inverted uterus

Treatment for the inverted uterus must be performed by the gynecologist.

Remember that each case and intervention is different. Thus, when a woman has endometriosis and an inverted uterus, for example, the doctor performs the treatment for endometriosis.

A solution that can also be indicated by the gynecologist is the placement of a pessary in the uterus, to help keep the organ forward.

However, this treatment is not always the most suitable, as it can cause inflammation, infection or even pain during sex. In some cases, uterus removal surgery may also be indicated.

Inverted uterus and childbirth 

A woman with an inverted uterus can become pregnant normally.

In fact, childbirth is normal, as is that of a woman who does not have this condition. Only in some cases is cesarean section indicated.

In these cases, most of the time, the uterus starts to be in a position closer to normal.

Then, in this period, the uterus is more positioned forward, under the bladder, making it easier at the time of the baby’s birth and normal delivery.

The relationship between uterine fibroids and inverted uterus

Myomatosis is a benign neoplasm that develops in the uterus. Made of muscle tissue, it is also called uterine fibroids, as well as leiomyomafibroma, fibroma, fibroid and fibroid.

Fibroids reach up to 30% of women in their reproductive phase. The age with the highest incidence is between 30 and 40 years old.

Black women have a higher incidence of fibroids, around 50%. In women of Asian origin, the incidence is much lower, and in white women around 25%.

Some women with fibroids may also have an irregular menstrual cycle and it is often possible to have amenorrhea.

Symptoms of fibroids

A woman who has fibroids can deal with different symptoms – or even lack of them. The most common symptoms are:

  • Strong or prolonged bleeding;
  • Menses irregular or out of period;
  • Pain in the abdominal region;
  • Pains in the pelvic region;
  • Pain during intercourse;
  • Urge to urinate more frequently.

Treatment of fibroids

The treatment of fibroids may vary from case to case. Some are more indicated by doctors:

  • Monitoring to check the reduction of fibroids;
  • Contraceptive use ;
  • Use of hormones;
  • Use of vitamin and iron supplements.

The relationship between endometriosis and the inverted uterus

Endometriosis is a female gynecological disease that causes chronic inflammation. The disease occurs when there is abnormal behavior of the cells of the endometrium.

Thus, instead of these cells migrating towards the normal direction outside the uterus, during the menstrual period, they move in the opposite direction, fixing in other parts of the woman’s reproductive system, such as: abdominal cavity, intestine, ovaries, uterine tubes and bladder.

The inverted uterus does not cause endometriosis, but women with this condition have more difficulty in expelling menstrual residues .

In these cases, what can happen is that it is directed to other organs of the woman’s reproductive region, favoring the appearance of endometriosis.

Therefore, endometriosis can take many years to be discovered, as it develops slowly, causing pain and discomfort after a more advanced state.

Anyway, contrary to what many think, endometriosis does not have only one form of diagnosis and treatment, but several. Ultrasound imaging and surgery are among the indications.

Symptoms of endometriosis

Endometriosis, unlike the inverted uterus, can cause many symptoms – some very painful. The most common are:

  • Menstrual colic ;
  • Pain during sex;
  • Pelvic pain;
  • Infertility.

Treatment of endometriosis

Endometriosis has several types of treatments that can be presented by a gynecologist.

The indication to treat the problem may vary according to the woman, the degree of endometriosis, among other factors.

The most common treatments are:

  • Hormone treatments;
  • Surgical excision;
  • Progesterone IUD;
  • Medicines;
  • Contraception and hormone;
  • Monitoring of changes;
  • Laparoscopy surgery.

Most common symptoms of inverted uterus

Even though the condition does not show symptoms in most women, many may experience minor discomfort caused by the inverted position of the uterus, such as:

  • Pain during menstruation;
  • Pain when evacuating;
  • Pain when urinating;
  • Pain in sexual intercourse;
  • Chronic pelvic pain.

Some women may not experience these symptoms, as they usually have a mobile inverted uterus. This way, they may experience mild cramps during their menstrual period.

In addition to the pain that may occur during the period, some women may also experience discomfort during sex, depending on the position or intensity of the relationship.

t’s important to remember!

  • The inverted or retroverted uterus is not considered a disease, but a condition that may indicate that this organ is in a different position, different from the conventional one.
  • Aging, a full bladder and other factors are also the causes of displacement of the uterus. Even so, this is not considered a serious health problem for women.
  • Those who have retroversion of the uterus can usually get pregnant and delivery can also be normal.
  • The inverted uterus does not cause endometriosis, but it can favor the appearance in some women. In fact, the most common is that a woman may experience movement of her uterus because of endometriosis.
  • This condition is not treated with a single protocol. Therapies may vary according to each case and patient.
by Abdullah Sam
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