Regulate the Environmental Impacts of the Human Being for a Healthy and Adequate Environment

The impacts or activities of a social, economic, political and cultural nature that man continues to commit on the environment and its natural resources; They urgently need to be regulated every day by means of rules and laws that minimize and reduce the impacts of humanity on their natural environment and thus guarantee an ecological balance in societies.

Thus, an essential mechanism, such as environmental legislation to instruct, guide, normalize and regulate the exploitation of environmental resources in the framework of respect, rationality and sustainable use to ensure a harmonious relationship between the environment Man and nature.

Therefore, environmental law or legislation plays an important role in maintaining a healthy and safe environment; since it seeks to stipulate the rules and regulations to legislate through treaties, conventions, statutes, resolutions and laws that regulate the negative behavior and behavior of the human being in relation to its natural environment.

Therefore, the main objectives of environmental legislation is to establish safety measures and sanctions to ensure compliance with the regulations stipulated to order, direct, conduct and regulate the environmental impacts of human activities on the environment.

In another order of ideas, in the face of the devastation of man over his environment, it is necessary to regulate the responsibility for ecological damages and to establish the corresponding sanctions before the breach of the environmental law, to maintain and conserve the resources of nature for future generations.

In line with the foregoing, the state and society must ensure today more than ever, that present and future generations develop in an environment free of pollution, as well as protect and maintain ecosystems in accordance with the law, regulating environmental illicit of all mankind.

Consequently, the environmental legislation establishes the norms that guarantee the environmental rights in the constitution of each country or state, to enjoy a safe, healthy and ecologically balanced environment. That is, each government has the responsibility to monitor and protect its natural resources, ensuring that citizens develop in balance with their natural environment.

With all this, there are amounts of environmental laws created and enacted internally by each country, in order to protect and defend the environment from the impact of the activities of each citizen, sanctioning and penalizing negative actions that become an environmental offense. That is, each country develops and implements its laws to conserve air, water, soil, flora and fauna as the main natural resources of each state.

In that sense, the environmental laws of each country may vary according to their terms, but the objective is the conservation of the environment such as, for example, some internal laws of each state depending on their natural resources such as: Law on Integral Waste Management Solids, Organic or General Law of the Environment, Criminal Law of the Environment, Water Law, Forest Law, Law of Coastal Areas, Law of Biological Diversity, Law of Protection of Wildlife, Land Management Law, Land Law, between many others that vary according to the law of each state as responsible for maintaining a healthy environment for future generations.

Likewise, there are many international treaties or conventions on environmental matters signed by a large part of the countries of the planet, and whose objective is to join efforts to formulate strategies that lead to combat global environmental problems and reduce the impacts of environmental pollution of each state, which put at risk the degradation of the environment, deterioration of the quality of life of the population and the planet. Thus, among these international agreements we can summarize some:

Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change , reduce greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide by the major powers that exploit fossil fuels and cause global warming of the planet.

Stockholm Convention , protect and preserve the principles of each state for a better quality of life for the population.

Convention on Biological Diversity , recognize the international importance of biodiversity as a vital resource for the balance of the planet and that developed countries based on their technological activities reduce the impact on ecosystems and their species.

Earth Summit , an international meeting of all countries to reach agreements on environment, development, climate change, biodiversity and other environmental issues.

Montreal Protocol , protect the ozone layer from pollutants that weaken and degrade it.

Ramsar Convention , protect and conserve the amount of wetlands such as ecosystems, among many other environmental agreements to protect the planet from the destructive development of man).

In short, man has had the task of developing and applying amounts of national and international laws, to regulate and sanction his own behavior, conduct and human activity in relation to his environment and natural resources, but unfortunately these laws have not been known. by much of humanity and much less accomplished, being violated without the least importance for society in general.

Therefore, humanity, communities, the state and societies have the responsibility to ensure, protect, guarantee and enforce all environmental laws that exist in order to regulate and punish all those who violate the right to live in a Healthy environment for the quality of life of present and future generations

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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