Rear seat belts

Are the rear seat belts mandatory? Do you always have to use them? What does the law say in this regard?

The above are just some of the main questions that concern the rear seat belts because… perhaps the clarity on this important protection device is not particularly transparent.

So let’s try to clear the field of misunderstandings!

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Mandatory rear seat belts

What the law says

What is the risk of violating the provisions

What are the exceptions

Rear seat belts mandatory

The safety belts are present in such a way binding on all cars. As you can easily guess, their function is to protect the safety of the occupants of the “back seat” of the vehicle, limiting the risk of damage and injury in the event of an accident.

Despite this fundamental function, it is always necessary to remember how it is evident that the rear seat belts enjoy less attention. In short, if we have fortunately got into the habit of using the front seat belts correctly, the rear seat belts are often ignored, forgetting that it is mandatory to always use them!

What the law says

The obligation to use rear seat belts is established by art. 172 of the Highway Code, which governs the need to use both the front seat belts (as fortunately happens more and more often) and the rear seat belts. In this way, in fact, it is possible to better protect all those who are inside the passenger compartment, from drivers to passengers, wherever they are seated. Of course, it is understood that children must be interested in the use of approved restraint systems, suitable for their lower weight and smaller stature.

What is the risk of violating the provisions

Paragraph 10 of art. 172 Cds establishes that anyone who does not regularly use seat belts and child restraint systems is subject to the administrative sanction consisting in the payment of a fine from 80 to 323 euros , and the deduction of 5 points from the driving license .

In the event that the failure to use seat belts concerns a minor, then the driver or, in any case, whoever is required to supervise the minor, if present on the vehicle at the time of the fact, will be responsible for the main violation.

Furthermore, in the event that the driver incurs, in a period of two years, in one of the above violations for at least two times, the last infringement will also result in the additional administrative sanction of suspension of the license from 15 days to 2 months.

What are the exceptions

In any case, there are exceptions to the aforementioned provisions, provided for by art. 172 Cds.

In particular, with reference to transport by taxi and rental car with driver, children can travel without restraint systems if placed in the rear seat, and provided they are accompanied by a person aged 16 or over.

In the case of vehicles without restraint systems, children up to 3 years of age cannot travel, while those over 3 years of age can travel in the front seat, only if they are taller than 1.50 meters.

Again, we remember how the police forces, municipal cleaning, the armed forces, firefighting and health workers in case of emergency intervention, as well as driving instructors, security service personnel who carry out escort service and drivers of vehicles for the collection and transport of waste, in case of service in built-up areas, are exempted from the obligation to use seat belts.

Finally, we remind you that among the further hypotheses of exemption from the use of seat belts behind, there are also those relating to some subjects who have mental or physical conditions that constitute a contraindication to the use of belts, as well as pregnant women. . Note that art. 172 Cds does not provide lists of pathologies or particular conditions for such exemptions, but still requires a medical certification with an indication of duration.


by Abdullah Sam
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