Raid: Shadow Legends – clan battles guide

The main mechanics of clan battles, methods of obtaining keys, types of clan bosses, methods of fighting and choosing the best packs

In Raid: Shadow Legends, one of the most exciting activities for alliance players is clan boss battles. This enemy cannot be defeated alone, no matter how strong your squad is. Each member of your clan must contribute, take away from the enemy at least part of the total health, and then, perhaps, you will gain the upper hand and get valuable resources. Moreover, the more damage a specific player’s team inflicts, the better his reward will be.

How to take part in a clan boss battle

The first, obligatory and obvious condition – you must be a member of a clan. Such things are inaccessible to loners. Next, you need to get hold of a special key, of which there can be a maximum of two. As soon as at least one of them disappears, the new one is restored automatically within 6 hours. That is, if you spent both keys, you will have to endure 12 hours until they are restored. Hence the conclusion – within 24 hours (or a little more) you can fight the clan boss 4 times.

How to get the keys

In addition to automatic key regeneration (one every 6 hours), there are several other ways to get them:

  • Purchase in the store – 100 rubies
  • As a reward for participating in various events and competitions
  • A small bonus from the developers (usually this is how they make up for their guilt in connection with test work or try to cheer you up a little during some holidays)

What are the clan bosses

There are six different clan bosses in Raid: Shadow Legends in total. All of them differ from each other in the level of difficulty, which is why they got their names:

  • Plain
  • Usual
  • Difficult
  • Impossible
  • Hellish
  • Ultraadskiy

By defeating a simple clan boss, you will open access to the usual one, by destroying the usual one, you will be able to fight the difficult one, and so on. Moreover, access will remain within the next days, and not just one specific one. After a day, all defeated clan bosses will restore their health, but you can immediately go to the battle, for example, with a difficult one. All clan bosses use the main element in battle – Darkness. After the health reserve falls below 50%, this element will be replaced by another, random one. For example, Strength or Magic.

Clan Battles Reward

Any clan member who inflicted at least some damage to one of the bosses receives his due reward at the end of the day. It is issued in the form of an in-game chest. However, if you were able to defeat a clan boss, then two chests are required for such a boss. Usually in Moscow this happens at 13:00.

The value of the chest depends on the contribution. There are 12 types of chests in the game. The Warrior Chest is considered to be the simplest, but any Raid: Shadow Legends player wishes to receive the Superior Chest. Various items can be hidden inside, including rubies, shards, artifacts, silver, and books. Clan battles allow you to knock out unique artifacts that are included in the Ruthless and Immortal sets. This is the only way to get them!

A more coveted reward that can be hidden in chests is shards – sacred, ancient and dark. Epic and legendary books will not be superfluous, allowing you to pump the skills of the characters. But such things can be knocked out in the chests, which are issued as a reward when fighting the Impossible, Hellish and Ultraadic bosses. If we talk about the maximum possibilities, then when fighting with Ultraad, the most powerful clan boss of Raid: Shadow Legends, you can knock out a Mythic, Heavenly, Divine or Excellent chest. A Champion’s chest is assigned to the Infernal Boss.

How to defeat a clan boss

The Demon Lord uses the following abilities and attacks in combat:

  1. Breaking– allows you to impose a stun for 1 turn, and the penalty will not be reflected. The higher the enemy’s health, the more powerful the damage will be.
  2. Dark Strikeis an AoE attack.
  3. Wither Fleshis another AoE attack that inflicts a Poison effect on all affected targets for 2 turns.
  4. Demon’s Fortitudeis a passive skill that reduces damage by burning health, poison and any abilities, the amount of damage of which depends on the maximum supply of HP.
  5. Accumulating Rageis another passive skill. As soon as turn 10 begins, the damage from all boss skills will increase, and in the future it will grow exceptionally. After turn 20, the increase will be even greater.

Also, the enemy has full immunity to freeze, stun, sleep, speed penalty, health exchange, and turn scale reduction.

Thus, when fighting a clan boss, you do not need to focus on freezing, stunning and sleeping. These effects simply do not work on the Master, and you are wasting time and opportunities. You also cannot have any effect on the opponent’s turn track. You cannot impose speed penalties, it is not affected by the skills of the characters that postpone the turn. However, compared to other opponents, the Demon Lord is slower, so you can use the speed and skill bonuses that fill your turn meter to attack the Overlord faster and more often. That is, instead of trying to reduce its scale or impose speed penalties on it, focus on increasing these parameters for your characters.

Even with the reduction in burn damage and poison, given the Demon Lord’s enormous health, these penalties will still be effective against him. After certain hits, the enemy will ignore the bonuses from Invulnerability and Damage Block. Do not use heroes with AoE attacks, since there are no waves of opponents here. The lord is one, this is not the Dragon’s Lair or similar locations where many ordinary opponents should be killed before fighting the boss. Use characters with multi-attack and those whose damage depends on the maximum HP of the enemy.

Focus on building a squad of heroes who are capable of inflicting penalties with poison and burnout health, weakness, and defense, as well as providing bonuses to speed and progress bar. Counterattacks and multi-attacks will not be superfluous. And to increase the survivability of the squad, select heroes with attack penalties and the “Parasite” skill. Focus on health bonuses, damage block, respawn and allies’ shield. In general, healers and heroes who can resurrect allies are the best in terms of increasing survivability.

The best set of clothes for fighting a clan boss is “Life theft”, which allows you to use bonuses from vampirism. If there are not so many sets, on some characters you can equip the “Heavenly Speed” or “Accuracy” set. From the talents, you can consider the possibility of using “Methodical Attack”, “Sniper”, “Storm of Giants”, “Battle Charm”, etc.

Finally, I would like to add that more than 10 penalties cannot be imposed on the Demon Lord, so you should not take too many characters that deal poison damage. Otherwise, there will simply be no room for other fines. Never try to fight in automatic mode. It’s always worse than manual control! From the very beginning of the battle, focus on high damage and HP recovery for allies with less health left.

Who to take on the battle with the clan boss (the best heroes for KB)

First of all, you should focus on heroes who impose poison and burn health. Let’s start with the latter. A key feature is the fact that health burn penalties do not add up, so it makes no sense to have more than one character with a similar effect in a squad. As for the poizoners, first you need to use Kael, then, if possible, try to knock out the Monk – the most accurate poisonous of the Unusual heroes. In the future, other characters will open to you, but do not overdo it with their number in the squad, otherwise you will not leave room for other penalties (I remind you that 10 penalties can be imposed on the Lord at the same time). That is, the point here is not even the number of poizoners, but how many fines they can impose, extend, and so on.

Be sure to take in the squad a hero-flood, which is able to give a bonus to speed or increase the turn scale of allies. On the other hand, knock back the anti-flooding agents, as their jabuffs do not affect the clan boss.

Best Poizoners:

  • Narma the Imperishable (+ defense penalty)
  • Anax (+ weakness and defense penalty, defense bonus)
  • Aox the Devious (+ Defense Penalty)
  • Fakhrakin Tolsty
  • Urost Likhodei (+ Allied Shield)
  • Fein
  • Avir Alchemist
  • Tigress (+ weakness penalty and defense bonus)

Best Characters with the Brain Burnout penalty:

  • Achaka Vendarin
  • Tyrant Izlymore
  • Jorrg the Hermit
  • Drextar
  • Akot the Scorched
  • Fakhrakin Tolsty (+ poison)
  • Child of darkness
  • Grave destroyer

Best Heroes with Weakness Penalty:

  • Rugnor the Radiant (+ defense penalty)
  • Anax (+ poison and defense penalty, defense bonus)
  • Roxam (+ defense penalty)
  • Haarken
  • Gollock (+ defense penalty)
  • Tigress (+ poison and defense bonus)
  • Lydia the Risen (+ defense penalty and speed bonus)
  • Lady Rian

Attack Penalty:

  • Balthus Massive
  • Dracha Omnipotent
  • Narma the Imperishable (+ poison)
  • Vogot
  • Aox the Devious (+ poison)
  • Iron Brago (+ defense bonus)
  • Nehret the Mighty (+ Allied Shield)
  • Dhukk Thorny (+ defense penalty)

Defense penalty:

  • Kuzrad
  • Lydia the Risen (+ weakness penalty and speed bonus)
  • Dhukk Thorny (+ attack penalty)
  • Roxam (+ weakness penalty)
  • Uugo (+ Bonus Damage and Speed ​​Block)
  • Gollock (+ weakness penalty)
  • Anax (+ weakness penalty and poison, defense bonus)
  • Rugnor the Radiant (+ weakness penalty)

Damage Block Bonus:

  • Uugo (+ defense penalty and speed bonus)
  • Lutopes
  • Templar
  • Roshkar
  • Hospitaller
  • Basilisk
  • Desert Rogue (+ Allied Shield)
  • Drogkul the Bony

Defense bonus:

  • Anax (+ poison, weakness and defense penalty)
  • Tigress (+ poison, weakness penalty)
  • Ursala the Grieving
  • Kaidan
  • Guardian of the Saints
  • Vergumkaar
  • Pixniel
  • Iron Brago (+ attack penalty)

Speed ​​bonus:

  • Lydia the Risen (+ weakness and defense penalty)
  • Maniac
  • Grandee
  • Sifi Confused
  • Tuhak the Drifter
  • Archmage Helmug
  • Yakarl
  • Uugo (+ Defense Penalty and Damage Block Bonus)

Counter Attack Bonus:

  • Rowdy
  • Ozernik
  • Skullbreaker
  • Gray beard
  • Malbranche
  • Jizokh
  • Elder
  • Marquis

Allied Shield Bonus:

  • Urost Likhodei (+ poison)
  • Bloodhorn
  • Tyrant Izlymore
  • Visiksa the Defiant
  • Nehret the Mighty (+ attack penalty)
  • Nazana
  • Desert Rogue (+ Damage Block)
  • Ursuga the Courageous

There are many heroes, of all the above, you can form squads, but I would like to emphasize that it is better to give preference to characters with several bonuses. That is, you look through the list above and if you see that several bonuses are indicated in brackets at once, you should know that this is one of the best characters for KB in Raid: Shadow Legends.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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