Queer theory

The queer theory is a set of ideas about gender and sexuality that rejects the categorization of the individual in universal categories like “homosexual”, “heterosexual”, “man” or “woman”. According to this theory, people’s sexual orientation and sexual identity are the result of a social construction. If so, there would be no sex roles that are essentially or biologically inscribed in human nature.


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  • 1 Definitions
    • 1 Queer theory
      • 1.1 About the definitions of the theory
    • 2 Internal paradoxes
    • 3 Home
    • 4 See also
    • 5 Sources


This theory is defined as the theoretical elaboration of “sexual dissidence and the deconstruction of stigmatized identities”, which through resignification manages to reaffirm that the different sexual option is a human right.

Queer theory

  • It is a set of ideas about the gender and sexuality of people.
  • Genders, sexual identities and sexual orientations are the result of a fictitious social construction.
  • It rejects the classification of individuals into universal and fixed categories … … such as “male”, “female”, “heterosexual”, “homosexual”, “bisexual”, “transsexual”.
  • He maintains that the categories are fictitious, and they hide an enormous number of motivations.
  • Against the classical concept of gender, which starts from the distinction based on “natural heterosexuality” accepted as normal (in English straight, that is, “straight”). There is the “anomalous” (in English queer or “twisted”), the Queer theory states that all “sexual identities” are equally anomalous, including heterosexuality.

On the definitions of the theory

  • It places the concept of identity in crisis.
  • It contributes contradictions in gender identity studies.
  • It provides elements that dismantle the foundations of many hierarchical and discriminatory structures.

The queer theory offers a conceptual and practical framework against heterocentrism, against the extreme defense of the total biological sex-sexual identity correspondence

The exponents of this theory, from activism and the academy, have provided analysis and understanding tools around gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, practices understood as “normal” in matters of sexuality, power relations that determine all the configuration of sex, its administration and iron vigilance.

Internal paradoxes

It claims its own identity, while criticizing the different classifications that can lead to stigmatization: it renounces all identities ( lesbian , gay , transvestite , transsexual , even heterosexual ), as well as classifications by gender, sexual practice or HIV status .

  • It deconstructs an oppressive category to build another that can be perceived to be somewhat suffocating.


The text that is usually placed as the initiator of this theory is El gender en disputa , by Judith Butler (1999) who used the heterosexual matrix concept, understood as a set of cultural discourses and practices related to the differentiation between the sexes, and aimed at producing heterosexuality.

Starting from this idea, it is about breaking with all kinds of binary man / woman, feminine / masculine and heterosexual / homosexual, so that it comes to conceive gender as a gender performance, which is not universal, but rather a sociocultural construct that it does not exist in a form per se, in which identity is equally in constant motion and is representative and imitative: Gender roles are nothing more than a theatrical performance in which each sex assumes previously created roles, constantly imitating and reproducing them.