Properties Of An Apple

Properties Of An Apple.In addition to being a delicious food, the apple – a juicy and refreshing fruit – has numerous medicinal properties. It is recognized for its anti diarrhea, laxative, diuretic, depurative, lipid-lowering (lowers the level of fats in the blood) and antioxidant. It is also very digestive and well tolerated by everyone, including people with diabetes.

Nutritionally, it contains a high proportion of water, as much as 85 percent, it also has carbohydrates in the form of simple sugars, mostly fructose or fruit sugar and very small amounts of proteins and fats.

The apple contains vitamin C and provitamin A (beta carotenes). In small proportions contains minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. Its organic fatty acids, when metabolized, reduce acidity and help eliminate toxins.

Few calories, a lot of wealth

A large apple (about 200 g) contains about 100 calories, a contribution very low calorie. The feeling of satiety that it produces makes it a very suitable food when you want to lose weight.

Thanks to its tannins (astringent substances), the soluble fiber of the apple facilitates the elimination of toxins. In addition, it contributes to reducing fat absorption and delays the passage of sugars into the blood.

Much of its vitamins and minerals are in the shell or just underneath.

For this reason, it is advisable to consume them without peeling, after having them wash well with water. In addition, the apple reaches its highest nutritional value and ease of digestion when mature, especially if chewed slowly.

The role of the apple in digestion

Perhaps the best known property of the apple is its regulatory action intestinal. Ripe and raw are used to treat constipation. Yes simmered, they can relieve gastroenteritis.

Taken on an empty stomach, it has a laxative effect and overcomes hypotonia or laziness intestinal, common cause of constipation. The tannins it has work drying and deflating the intestinal mucosa. For this it is recommended take it grated, roasted or boiled. It can be eaten in compote to relieve the upset stomach, especially in the case of children.

The leaves of the apple tree can be taken as an infusion and will have excellent astringent activity thanks to its tannins. You can get the dried leaves at health food stores.

As if that weren’t enough, the apple juices help clean the teeth. Yes it is eaten through bites, it even releases food debris between the teeth.

Properties Of An Apple

• Reduce the cholesterol. Its pectin content reduces fat absorption.

• Prevents arteriosclerosis. Flavonoids prevent the deposit of cholesterol in the arteries and the accumulation of platelets that causes the formation of thrombi.

• Purifies and is good for the skin. Absorbs intestinal toxins, promotes cleansing the blood and the skin, has a purifying action.

• It is well tolerated by diabetics; sour apples especially, for having less sugars.

• It is an excellent remedy against uric acid, thanks to its tannins and its alkaline salts.

• The traces of bromine it contains also make it recommended for eat it at night, if you want to achieve a calm and restful sleep.

• The ether it has acts as a powerful nerve and fiber sedative muscular.

It also promotes longevity: If you want to live many years it is It is advisable to eat between one and two apples a day: one when getting up from bed and another one hour before returning to her. The first will provide the organism the best conditions to face the day. The second will give the necessary access to the best nights.

by Abdullah Sam
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