Professional Ethics: What is it and what is its importance

The professional ethics is one of the most valued criteria in the labor market. Having good conduct in the workplace can be the passport to a successful career . But after all, what defines good professional ethics and what is its importance ? Follow!

Life in society, which values ​​and respects the well-being of others, requires some behaviors that are associated with the ethical conduct of each individual. The professional ethics consists of the standards and values of society and the working environment that the person lives.

In the corporate environment, professional ethics brings greater productivity and integration of employees and, for the professional, it adds credibility, trust and respect to work.

However, there are still many doubts about what is ethics, so before talking about professional ethics , it is important to understand a little about what is ethics and what is the difference between ethics and morals. Check out:

The ethical professional is, of course, admired

What is ethics?

The word Ethics is derived from the Greek and has a transliteration of two distinct spellings, êthos which means “habit”, “customs” and ethos which means “abode”, “protective shelter”.

From this semantic root, we can define ethics as a global structure that represents the house, made of walls, beams and foundations that represent customs. Thus, if these customs are lost, the structure weakens and the house is destroyed.

In a more comprehensive and contemporary view, we can define ethics as a set of values ​​and principles that guide an individual’s behavior within society. Ethics is related to character, a genuinely human and ingrained conduct that comes from the inside out.

Ethics is related to character, a genuinely human and ingrained conduct.

What is the difference in ethics and morals?

Although ethics and morals are often used in a similar way, both have different meanings. Morality is governed by laws, rules, standards and norms that are acquired through education, from the social, family and cultural spheres , that is, but something that comes from outside to inside.

For the German philosopher Hegel, morality has two aspects, the subjective morality associated with the fulfillment of duty by will and the objective morality which is the obedience of laws and norms imposed by the environment.

However, ethics and morals go together, since morality is subject to an ethical value . In this way, an individual ethics, when rooted in society, becomes a social value that is instituted as a moral law.

The consequence of unethical behavior affronts a person’s values, character and principle, while the breach of a moral value is punished and justified according to the law that governs the environment.

Morals are governed by laws, rules, standards and norms that are acquired through living together.

Fundamental characteristics of ethical conduct

Some concepts are fundamental to constituting ethical behavior. Are they:

  • Altruism: concern for the interests of the other in a spontaneous and positivist way.
  • Morality: set of values ​​that guide behavior , choices, decisions and actions.
  • Virtue: this characteristic can be defined as “human excellence” or what makes us full and authentic.
  • Solidarity: principles that are applied to social relationships and that guide the individual’s experience and harmony in harmony with others.
  • Consciousness: capacity or perception to distinguish what is right or wrong according to virtues or morality.
  • Ethical responsibility: consensus between personal and collective responsibility (assuming consequences of the acts performed).

Altruism and Solidarity fundamental to constituting ethical behavior

What is Professional Ethics?

The work ethic is the set of values, norms and behaviors that lead and more aware of the attitudes and behavior of a professional in the organization. Thus, professional ethics is of interest and importance to the company and also to the professional who seeks the development of his career .

In addition to the experience and autonomy in their area of ​​activity , the professional who presents an ethical conduct gains more respect, credibility, trust and recognition from his superiors and his co-workers.

Ethical conduct also contributes to the progress of internal processes, increased productivity , achievement of goals and the improvement of interpersonal relationships and the organizational climate .

When professionals and companies value ethical values ​​and principles such as kindness, temperance, friendship and patience, there are good relationships , more autonomy, satisfaction, proactivity and innovation.

For this, it is convenient that the company has a code of ethical conduct, to guide the behavior of its employees in accordance with the organization’s standards and posture. The code of business ethics facilitates the adaptation of collaborating and serves as a manual for good coexistence in.

Ethical conduct also contributes to the progress of internal processes, increased productivity and achievement of goals.

Professional ethics and strategic value

Amidst the chaotic national scenario, political problems, social inequality, lack of infrastructure for education and health, ethics has become one of the main issues addressed in schools, universities, work and even on the streets.

With the population more aware of the moral issues and social responsibility that authorities and companies must render to society and the environment, there was an increase in inspection and demand for the ethical commitment of these bodies.

With that, ethics gained a new value, the strategic value. Companies were forced to modify their concepts, break paradigms and present a more transparent, humane and coherent stance so as not to lose public.

In this context, professional ethics, which should be an ingrained virtue of the individual, became part of the organizational strategy and, consequently, a competitive differential in the job market.

However, when the company adopts professional ethics as a market strategy, it also contributes to the development of the professional , who needs to improve his skills with interpersonal relationships and leadership .

A professional with leadership and relationship skills disseminates ethical values, values harmony in the work environment and puts respect for people and commitment to work first .

A professional with leadership and relationship skills disseminates ethical values, values ​​harmony in the work environment

Benefits of work ethics

The ethical professional is, of course, admired, as respect for colleagues and customers is what makes this employee stand out. Ethics would be a kind of filter that does not allow the passage of gossip, lies, the desire to harm an employee, among other negative aspects.

And it is necessary to emphasize that leaders are ethical professionals , or should be, to develop the competencies of the position successfully . Those who choose ethics prefer to offer feedback, instead of leaving the work environment unharmonious, and are honest about their own conditions, that is: they do not invent lies to be absent from failures.

Cultivating professional ethics in the workplace brings benefits and advantages to everyone, as it provides growth for the company and for all those involved . With a well-structured ethical conduct it is possible, teamwork and mutual respect between all employees.

And with one it is possible to have more engaged, motivated and satisfied professionals.

The ethical professional is, of course, admired, as respect for colleagues and customers is what makes this employee stand out.

How is your relationship with work ethics?

Some common events can lead to a reflection on how we deal with professional ethics in our daily work. The famous “Brazilian way”, rooted in our culture, makes us often improvise unethical solutions for difficult or prohibited situations.

For example, the opportunity for a weekend trip arose, but, unfortunately, to enjoy the days outside the city, it will be necessary to travel on Friday. The ethical professional, who feels responsible for the development of his work , will not use the Brazilian way and make up cases: going to the doctor, visiting someone sick, etc.

He will try to negotiate with the boss the replacement of hours or the possibility of making a home office during the trip. Because he recognizes work as a commitment and knows that he must find an honest alternative to unforeseen circumstances, when necessary.

Another situation that shows the lack of ethics can occur in the relationship with the client. In order not to lose it, the employee often promises solutions that do not exist and cannot be developed in the necessary time. If this happens, the partnership will soon be eroded.

The ethical professional does not offer what is not possible to deliver and seeks to reverse the deficiencies stating that he will try to find quick alternatives. Therefore, it is very important to always reflect on what we would do in a type of situation like the ones we mentioned, because you never know when it will happen to us.

As simple as it may seem, these are dishonest conduct and can scratch the ethics and image of a professional .

Some common events can lead to a reflection on how we deal with professional ethics.

10 tips for building an ethical posture at work

Employees who are able to build quality relationships between colleagues and gain the trust of leaders , with an appropriate work posture and concrete results, are the ones who are most  successful in developing their careers .

You need to understand and respect the limits of your role, watch over the work tools and the organization’s assets and  contribute to the good performance of your team . These are basic conditions for building an ethical posture at work .

Learn about other important factors that help in this process:

1. Be honest!

Always speak the truth and take responsibility for your mistakes. It is much better to learn from mistakes than to look for a culprit for your failures.

Honesty is one of the main characteristics of an ethical professional, it is proof of credibility and trust. Always be honest with yourself, with your principles, with company standards and with others.

2. I respect confidentiality

Some companies work with extremely sensitive information. Generally, these conditions are exposed to the professional within the employment contract.

Therefore, maintaining secrecy, in addition to being one, can be important to preserve employment. Respect this condition, maintaining confidentiality!

3. Be committed

Responsibility and commitment is the minimum that is expected of a professional. If doing your job seems like an obligation, reevaluate your career and your purposes , because something is wrong.

A professional with ethics is engaged with the company and fulfills his function with commitment and awareness, always aiming for the best result for the organization , consequently, this will add value to his career.

4. Be prudent!

Learn to differentiate the personal relationships of professionals, do not let enmity and dislike hinder your performance or that it interferes negatively in the work of your colleagues and in the results of the company .

Always make your job a priority. Respect your company’s hierarchy , whether you are a leader or an employee. Be professional!

5. Be humble

Regardless of hierarchy, knowledge and skills, understand that nobody is better than anyone. Humility and flexibility are one of the prerequisites for teamwork.

Be humble, respect your colleagues, be friendly and do not make judgments. Contribute to a good relationship and good relationships in the work environment .

6. Don’t promise what you can’t keep

Do not promise what you cannot deliver or a deadline you cannot meet, or worse, throw responsibility on other people.

With commitment and honesty it is possible to align deliveries and fair deadlines without compromising credibility and professional ethics.

7. Know how to make and receive criticism

Although criticism helps us to grow, many people do not know how to constructively interpret or interpret them.

So, if you need to give feedback to someone , never do it on impulse, reflect the best way to say and how to guide the improvement. And if you receive a criticism, do not take it personally, understand that it can be used for your development.

8. Recognize the merit of others

Sincere compliments can and should be used in one, but, if they are within the professional context. You don’t have to look like a flatterer praising the boss.

Praise assertive attitudes, what really contributes to the results of the company or the team. Know how to recognize your colleagues’ efforts, give them the merits they deserve and don’t expect a reward in return.

9. Respect privacy

Never tamper with a coworker’s work material, documents or drawer, except if asked to do so and even if it is something that will contribute to everyone’s good and work.

In the same way that you would not want to mess with your things, surely your colleague will not like to know that your privacy has been disrespected.

10. Avoid gossip

Stay away from gossip, offensive comments and people who like to judge and criticize colleagues. Some “joke games” even though they seem harmless, hurt and harm people.

If you have a problem with someone, ask them to talk and clarify what is bothering you. If you make a mistake, acknowledge and apologize, this is the best way to avoid misunderstandings and maintain a positive atmosphere at work.

Professional Ethics and Coaching

The coaching process brings to light a person’s real values, principles and mission and, through self-knowledge, it is possible to see the points that confront the purposes and cause dissatisfaction.

Thus, when a professional finds himself out of alignment with the company’s objectives or the direction his career is taking, there is probably a mismatch of values. The same goes for personal life, relationships, etc.

Therefore, the principles that guide a coaching process are totally based on ethics, which starts from the relationship of coach (professional) and coachee (client) , because if there is no credibility and trust between them, there are no results.

Responsibility, commitment and empathy are essential between coach and coachee , who establish a bilateral ethical commitment to achieve goals and objectives.

The coaching process brings to light a person’s real values, principles and mission.

Check out the 7 golden rules of the coach’s code of ethics and conduct

Every coaching process requires ethics, professionalism and discretion, to act every coach must meet these premises:

  1. Apply coaching with ethics , integrity and honesty.
  2. Ensure the credibility of coaching .
  3. Always offer confidentiality to the client and stick to the principle of non-judgment.
  4. Invest in self-development to seek excellence.
  5. Maintain ethical conduct in both personal and professional life.
  6. Form a partnership of results with the client.
  7. Contribute to the improvement of individuals, teams and companies

Meet the coach’s code of professional ethics and conduct

Aware of its responsibility as a pioneer institution in the training of coaches in Brazil , the Brazilian Coaching Society® prepared the Coach Code of Ethics and Conduct with the following objectives:

  1. Guide the conduct and professional relationships of the coach and contribute to the good practice of coaching.
  2. Inform clients about the ethical criteria they should seek when hiring a coach.
  3. Disseminate and reinforce the reliability, credibility and acceptance of coaching with society and the general public.
  4. Establish and unify the rules regarding the responsible and dignified exercise of the profession.

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