Prepositions in English

Prepositions are small words that we use as an aid, often used with nouns. They are indispensable for those who wish to speak English.

Prepositions are short words that usually came after nouns, but sometimes it can appear after gerund verbs. The prepositions are very common in English Language, and use it in almost ever single sentence they say. / Prepositions are short words that usually come after a noun, but can sometimes appear after a verb in the gerund. Prepositions are very common in the English language and are used in almost every sentence spoken in that language.

By the fact that there are many prepositions with a lots of meaning and uses in the sentences, even advanced learners of English find some difficulties in this study, that difficult could be because most of the prepositions doesn’t have a literal and unique meaning, which means that there isn’t use to look for it in the dictionary, one preposition from English can have many translations depending on the situation. /Because there are many prepositions with various meanings and their use in phrases is frequent, even an advanced student in English finds some difficulty in his study, this difficulty can be caused because most prepositions do not have a meaning literal and unique, which means that there is no purpose in using the dictionary, as a preposition in English can have many translations depending on the situation.

There isn’t a rule that make clear how and when we have to use them, the best way to learn prepositions in reading a lot in English, Literature mainly, looking all the meanings they can have in the dictionary and study a lot! / There is no rule that makes it clear how and when we should use them, the best way to learn prepositions is to read a lot in English, especially literature, look for all the meanings they can have in the dictionary and study hard!

The following chart is divided by 2 some of the most frequently used prepositions in English: Time and place. / The table below is divided into 2 most common types of prepositions in English: Time and place.

Preposition of Time / preposition time
On Days of the week
Days of the week
On Saturday.
On Saturday.
In Months

Time of day
Time of day


In August.
In August.

In Winter.
In the winter.

In 2012.
 m in 2012.

At Exactly time: at night, for a weekend, certain specific time.
Exact time: at night, on the weekend, some specific time.
At night
At night.

At twilight
At twilight.

At nine.
At nine.

Since From a certain point of time (past till now).
In a certain time (from the past until now).

Don’t stop now … There’s more after the publicity;)
Since 1986.
Since 1986.

Since we were born.
Since we were born.

For Over a certain period of time (past till now).
After some time (from the past until now).
For 5 years.
For 5 years.

For a long time.
For a long time.

Aug A certain time in the past.
Some time in the past.
10 years ago.
10 years ago.

Many time ago. Many years ago.

Before Earlier than a certain point of time.
Before some time in the past.
Before you were born.
Before you were born.

Before that.
Before that.


Preposition of place  / Preposition of place
Preposition Preposition Use
On Being on a surface
Being on a surface

For a certain side
For a certain side (right or left)

For a floor in a house

On the left.
On the right

The bookshelf is on the wall.
The shelf is on the wall.

The ruyg is on the floor.
The carpet is on the floor.

The mobile phone is on the table.
The cell phone is on the table.

In Room, building, street, town, country
Room, building, street, town, country.

Book, paper.
Book, paper.

Car, taxi.
Car, taxi.

Picture, world.
Photos, pictures, world.

I’m in the living room.
I’m in the living room.

He’s in Paris.
He’s in Paris.

That quote I love is in the book.
That quote I like is in the book.

At Next to, by an object.
Near some object.

For table.
For table.

For events.
For events.

At the door.
At the door.

At the table.
On the table.

At the cinema.
At the movies

At the party.
At the party.

By, next to, beside Left or right of somebody or something. Right or left, or someone, or something . She is next to, by / beside your house.
She is close to your home.
Under On the ground, lower than (or covered by) something they.
Underneath, lower than something, covered by something.
My backpack is under the table.
My backpack is under the table.
Below Lower than something else but above ground.
Below something, but above the ground.
Look at the examples below.
See the examples below.
Above Higher than something else, but not directly over it.
Taller than something, but not directly overhead.
I know there are more than we can see above us.
I know that there is something more than we can see about us.
by Abdullah Sam
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