Plaques in the throat: symptoms and treatment

Plaques in the throat are very common in school-age children, especially when they put dirty objects in their mouths. It is an infection , so it must be evaluated in a health care center to obtain a safe diagnosis. Bacterial plaques represent only 30% of all infections that can occur in the throat.

In this article we will see what the plaques in the throat are, the causes, the symptoms and the appropriate treatment to treat them.

What are plaques in the throat?

Plaques in the throat are whitish, yellowish or greenish spots (pus secretions) , commonly accompanied by fever caused by a bacterial infection. This disease can affect the tongue, tonsils, larynx, pharynx and adjacent areas, taking into account that the mucous environment promotes its spread.

This condition is more common in children, because they do not fully understand the dangers of putting contaminated things in their mouths. However, adults can also get throat infections, for example, from sharing utensils . The infection is noticeable by pain when ingesting food or drink.

Symptoms of plaque in the throat

The symptoms are quite noticeable and are associated with throat infections. The most characteristic symptom of plaques in the throat is the presence of small white dots that look like pimples. These are small blisters filled with pus, which very rarely ooze. Among the other symptoms that can be suffered are the following.

  • inflammation. Above all, in the tonsils and ganglia.
  • loss of appetite It can be total loss of appetite, or a very limited intake of food
  • redness. It can be seen mainly in the throat.
  • General malaise. It includes tiredness, fever, headache and difficulty swallowing, even if it is saliva.
  • Halitosis. Due to these plaques, it is common to suffer from bad breath.

Plaques in the throat usually do not cause complications and are easily removed . When they have a bacterial origin and medications such as antibiotics are used in the wrong way, problems can occur at the renal, cardiac, nervous and dermal levels. These plaques must be treated as soon as possible to avoid abscesses.

Causes of plaques in the throat

Viruses and bacteria that enter the body usually enter through the nose or mouth , which is why the first area affected is the tonsils. With the passing of the years, its protective function diminishes, which is why adults are prone to suffering from plaques in the throat. Virus-generated plaques are very rare.

This health problem can appear due to the direct action of the bacteria, or as part of the symptoms of other associated diseases. Among the diseases that can cause plaques in the throat we find the following.

  • Streptococcal tonsillitis. It is an infection caused by microorganisms called group A streptococci. It causes inflammation of the tonsils, redness, itching and pain.
  • It is a serious infection caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheria. It affects the mucosa of the nose and throat. There are vaccines to prevent this infection.
  • Mononucleosis. It is an infectious disease that is transmitted by the Epstein-Barr virus. It is better known as “the kissing disease” because it is spread through saliva. However, it is not as contagious as the flu .
  • Oral thrush. It is an infection caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. It occurs when the fungus builds up on the lining of the mouth.
  • leukoplakia. They are white, rough patches that appear on the inside of the cheek, in the lower part of the mouth, and, in some cases, on the tongue. These patches cannot be removed with the help of your fingers. It can be caused by tobacco or due to cancer.

Whatever the cause of the plaques in the throat, it is very important to seek the help of a professional.

Treatment for plaques in the throat

The plaques that appear due to a viral cause can disappear on their own in a period of 3 to 5 days . Plaques of bacterial origin, if treated promptly and correctly, can take 10 days or more to be completely removed.

For a diagnosis of plaques in the throat, the doctor must see your condition and also take into account if there is a fever. Other tests are usually not necessary if the initial treatment works. The doctor may suggest antibiotics, depending on the cause of the infection , and pain relievers to relieve pain. When the cause is viral, it is not necessary to use medicines and lozenges for sore throats .

There are a few things that can ease the discomfort of this painful condition. General recommendations include the following.

  • Soft foods. Like soups, juices or creams
  • Cold foods. like ice cream
  • Hot drinks. Such as coffee , tea or others.
  • rest. It includes both physical rest and speaking softly and not straining your voice, so that this area of ​​the body can rest a bit.

You can also choose to support the treatment with home remedies . If the cause of the infection is bacterial in origin, medications are usually necessary, but home remedies may be included to speed up the recovery process. The most efficient to reduce plaques in the throat can be seen in the following list.

  • gargle. They can be made with warm water, lemon or salt, with baking soda , with crushed garlic or even using a teaspoon of vinegar.
  • Cleaning. It is done manually, using lemon and honey.
  • Infusions. There are the options of ginger , sage or eucalyptus .

These home remedies do not replace a medical treatment imposed by a specialist . It should be noted that the purpose of gargling is to keep the liquid in the throat as much as possible, and then throw it away. They should not be ingested. The treatment can be repeated 2 or 3 times a day.


by Abdullah Sam
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