Pierre Bourdieu

Pierre Bourdieu Duhau . Sociologist from France and one of the most important in the world, who has had notable influences on other authors. The figures of professor, researcher, theoretician and, of course, tireless writer of his ideas and research have joined in it. Within the field of Sociology he dedicated a part of his efforts to education.


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  • 1 Biography
    • 1 Childhood and youth
    • 2 Scientific production
    • 3 Death
  • 2 Acknowledgments
  • 3 Bibliographic notes
  • 4 Bibliographic references
  • 5 Sources


Childhood and youth

Pierre Bourdieu was born Duhau 1 of August of 1930 in Denguin , a town in the Bearn region, to the southwest of France .

He made his first years of study at the Louis Barthou Lyceum , in the city of Pau ( 1941 – 1947 ), which is located less than 20 kilometers from Denguin.

At the age of 18, in 1948 , and until 1951 , he entered the Liceo Louis-le-Grand, where he prepared for the entrance exams to the prestigious Escuela Normal Superior (ENS), where he studied Philosophy until the year 1954 , in parallel with other studies at the Paris Faculty of Letters .

These years of study and internship did not have, according to him, great importance from the academic point of view, but they gave him a “realistic and combative” vision of the social world. (1)

Bourdieu recognized himself as a contemporary and fellow student of a generation of students such as Jean-Claude Pariente, Henri Joly, Louis Marin, Bianco and Derrida. In addition, he was influenced by other figures, located outside the Sorbonne, and especially at the School of Higher Studies and at the Collége de France such as Eric Weil, Alexandre Koyré and Martial Guérault, and whose teachings he followed once he entered the ENS. He was also a witness to the intellectual boom of existentialism in the 1950s, whose leading figure is Jean-Paul Sartre .

After leaving the ENS, he worked as a professor of philosophy at the Liceo de Moulines ( 1954 – 1955 ) for a year. As the same author explained in Autoanalisis de un sociologist (2), his main influences or theoretical-methodological precedents came mainly from Philosophy , Anthropology and Sociology .

Of Philosophy, for example, from thinkers like Gottfried W. Leibniz , Edmund Husserl , Martial Guéroult , Jules Vuillemim , Gaston Bachelard , Georges Canguilhem , Alexandre Koyré , Maurice Merleau-Ponty , Martin Heidegger and Ludwig Wittgenstein , among others.

From the field of Anthropology authors such as Marcel Mauss , Bronislaw Malinowski and Claude Levi-Strauss ; and from Sociology , Emile Durkheim , Max Weber and Karl Marx .

Scientific production

In 1955 he began his military service in Algeria (1955- 1958 ), then colony of France . His first ethnological studies emerged from his experience in Algeria.

Recognizing that the fate he himself had chosen was very difficult for him to bear, he accepted help, through his family and that of a Béarn colonel, three months before the end of his period of service:

“I was sent on commission to the military cabinet of the general government, where I was subject to the duties and schedules of a second-class soldier, assigned to the offices (write correspondence, type reports, etc.) and there I was able to initiate writing a short book (a << Que saisje? >>) in which he was going to try to tell the French, and especially those on the left, what was really going on in a country about which he often they ignored everything. And this, once again, with the purpose of doing something that I thought useful, and, perhaps, also to ward off my bad conscience, a helpless witness to a terrible war. (3)

This circumstance motivated his interest in Algerian society. He began a series of investigations in Greater Kabylia – making constant observations, taking photographs, making surveys, clandestine recordings, interviewing informants, examining archives, etc. – which resulted in works such as: Trabal el et Travailleurs en Algérie (4) , with Alain Darbel, Jean-Paul Rivet and Claude Seibel; Deracinement him. La crise de l´agriculture traditionnelle in Algérie (5), with Abdelmalek Sayad; and, of his sole authorship, Algeria enters history (6), Esquisse d´ une Théorie de la practique précédé de trois études d´ ethnologie kabyle (7) and Algérie 60. Structures economiques et estructures temporelles (8).

By “a kind of almost sacrificial will to repudiate the deceptive grandeur of philosophy” (9), his transition to Ethnology was also the result of the prestige that Claude Levi-Strauss imbued this science by calling it ” Anthropology .”

From this moment on, what Bourdieu called the effectology was produced, that is: Archeology , Grammatology , Semiology , etc., “as a visible expression of the effort of philosophers to break the barrier between science and philosophy . ” (10)

After completing his Military Service, and interested in continuing the investigations he had already begun, he accepted a position as adjunct professor at the Algiers Faculty of Letters ; but in 1960 , on the eve of a coup by colonels in Algeria, he returned to Paris helped by Fernand Braudel, Raymond Aron and Claude Levi-Strauss and entered very young, when he had barely published at the Practical School of Higher Studies.

Since 1964 he moved to Paris, as he began as a professor at the ENS and began to direct the Le Sens Commun Collection of the Minuit Publishing House, from which one of his first works on the educational system came to light and which he carried out together to Jean-Claude Passeron: Les heretiers . Les étudiants et la culture (11). Also from this period were the works: Les étudiants et leurs études (12) and Rapport pedagogique et communication (13), both co-authored with Jean-Claude Passeron.

Starting in 1964, Pierre Bourdieu directed the Center for the Sociology of Education and Culture, at the School for Higher Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS) and the Center Nationales de Researches en Sociologie (NRS); and he did so until 1984 , beginning in 1985 as director of the School of Higher Studies in Social Sciences and the Center for European Sociology, which he founded in 1968 . In 1975 he began his work as a consultant to the American Journal of Sociology and founded the journal Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales (ARSS) with the help of Fernand Braudel, which he directed until 2002. These data show how constant his interest in the most diverse research topics was, because he was close to this research diversity.

In Self-Analysis of a Sociologist, he stated: “Without a doubt, it is the love of << living all lives >> that Flaubert speaks of and taking advantage of all the opportunities to penetrate into the adventure that the discovery of new environments constitutes each time (or, plain and simple, the excitement of starting a new investigation) which, together with the rejection of the scientistic definition of Sociology , has led me to become interested in the most diverse social worlds ” . (14)

In 1979 he published La Distinction . Critique sociale du jugement , better known as The Distinction, also for the Le Sens Commun collection of the Minuit Editions. This is one of his most voluminous works, in which he exposed his Social Theory and which is, on the one hand, a constant object of criticism, while on the other he gave rise to his texts in which he explained and justified many of the concepts collected in the play.

In the early 1980s, two other important works were published: Le sens practique ( 1980 ) and Questions de Sociologie ( 1981 ). The latter is one of the best known because it has been translated into Spanish and published in Mexico as Sociology and Culture , and in Spain as Questions of Sociology . According to Néstor García Canclini, author of the prologue to the Mexican edition, two texts that do not appear in the French edition were included for said publication, and three of the original work were substituted: L´art de resistir aux paroles ; The sociologist in question andThe sociologist’s paradox .

For 1981 he was awarded a full professor of the Chair of Sociology of the College of France , for which he continued his research work and published successively: Homo Academicus ( 1984 ); Choses Dites ( 1987 ); L´ontologie politique de Martin Heidegger ( 1988 ); La Nobblesse d’État . Grandes écoles et sprit de corps ( 1986 ); and two works in 1992 : Les régles de l´ art . Génese et structure du champ literaire and Répponses . Pour une reflexive anthropology .

He wrote in 1997 among other works: The Social Uses of Science , For a clinical Sociology of the Scientific Field ; in 1998 Firefighting .

Reflections to serve the resistance against the invasion of books and Masculine Domination , and between 2000 and 2001 it was published by the publishing house Raison d´ Agir (founded by him in 1996) Science de la science et reflexivité: Cours du Collége de France , translated as The Office of Scientist. Science of science and reflexivity . (Anagrama, Barcelona , 2003 )


After his death in Paris (as a result of cancer), on January 23 , 2002 , three studies on Béarn were published under the title: Bachelor’s Ball ; and the work Self-Analysis of a Sociologist , written between October and December 2001 .


Between 1989 and 1997 , he received several awards for his work as a teacher and researcher. For example: the title Honoris Causa from the Free University of Berlin ( 1989 ), the title Honoris Causa from the University Johann-Wolfgang ( 1996 ) and the University of Athens ( 1996 ); in 1996 he was awarded the Erving Goffman Prize by the University of California-Berkeley, and in 1997 he was awarded the Ernest Bloch Prize , from the German city of Ludwigeshafen .

Bibliographic notes

1- See Bourdieu, Pierre. Self-analysis of a Sociologist. Editorial Anagrama, SA, Barcelona , 2006 .
2- See Bourdieu, Pierre. Self-analysis… ..Ob. Cit.
3- Bourdieu, Pierre. Self-analysis of a …. Op. Cit. p. 61
4- The Hague, Mouton, Paris , 1963 .
5- Les Editions de Minuit, Paris, 1964 .
6- Editorial Nova Terra, Barcelona, ​​1965.
7- Editorial Droz, Geneva , 1972 .
8- Les Editions de Minuit, Paris, 1977 .
9- Bourdieu, Pierre. Self-analysis of a …. Op. Cit. p. 62
10- Bourdieu, Pierre. Said Things. Editorial Gedisa, SA, Barcelona,1996 . p. 19
11- Les Editions de Minuit, 1964 . Le Sens Commun Collection, 1964.
12- Editorial Mouton, Paris, 1964.
13- Editorial Mouton, Paris, 1965 .
14- Bourdieu, Pierre. Self-analysis of a … Op. Cit. pp. 94-95

Bibliographic references

  • Bourdieu, Pierre and others. The Office of Sociologist. Epistemological Budgets. Siglo Veintiuno Editores, SA Madrid , 1975 .
  • Bourdieu, Pierre and Jean-Claude Passeron. The reproduction. Elements for a theory of the education system. Editorial Popular, Madrid, 2008 .
  • Bourdieu, Pierre. Self-analysis of a Sociologist. Editorial Anagrama, SA, Barcelona , 2006 .
  • Bourdieu, Pierre. Sociology Questions . Ediciones Istmo, SA, Madrid, 2000 .
  • Bourdieu, Pierre. Sociology and Culture. Editorial Grijalbo, México , DF, 1990 .
  • Bourdieu, Pierre. Said Things. Editorial Gedisa, SA, Barcelona, 1996 . * Bourdieu, Pierre. Practical reasons. On the theory of action. Editorial Anagrama, SA, Barcelona, 1997 .


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