Physiotherapist: what does he do? When to choose physiotherapy

The physiotherapist is defined by the Ministry of Health as: “the health worker, in possession of an enabling university degree (a three-year degree in physiotherapy, without a medical degree, for this reason he is not defined as a doctor) who performs independently, or in collaboration with other health professionals, interventions for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in the areas of motor skills , superior cortical functions, and visceral ones resulting from pathological events, of various aetiology, congenital or acquired “. From a practical point of view, he acts on the basis of the diagnosis and indications of the physiatrist . The physiotherapist cannot make a diagnosis, prescribe diagnostic tests or drugs, or intervene surgically.

In case of need, therefore, the first thing to do is not to go to a physiotherapist independently, but to go to a physiatrist , who is a doctor who can visit, diagnose and possibly prescribe physiotherapy .
The physiotherapist is responsible for rehabilitating the functioning of parts of the body with motor and psychomotor disabilities, also using the help of prostheses and with the specialization in psychomotor skills, he can physically and psychically assist people of advanced age with neurosensory and psychic problems .

The activities of the physiotherapist are designed to:

  • Reduction of pain and the use of drugs to relieve it.
  • Allowing shorter healing times during rehabilitation, even in the event of events such as stroke or invasive surgery. In this case we speak of functional rehabilitation .
  • Normalization of dysfunctional and symptomatic neuro-musculoskeletal structures , in the context of prevention, with postural gymnasticstechniques .

Consult the centers that have declared to be specialized in Physiotherapy:
Centers specialized in Physiotherapy

Rehabilitation physiotherapy (functional rehabilitation)

Physiotherapy supports the recovery of a range of conditions because the origin of a physical dysfunction can be motor (due to trauma, postural errors, occupational diseases) or neurological (outcomes of stroke , neurodegenerative diseases, epilepsy , etc.).

The neuromotor rehabilitation , for example, is aimed at the recovery of motor functions and learning of adaptive strategies that lives neurological diseases or their outcomes, as well as diseases of the nervous system peripheral (myopathy, polyneuropathy , or gravis). Some of the most common techniques are Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation(“Kabat” method), based on the recovery of functionality through external proprioceptive stimuli; the Cognitive Therapeutic Exercise (“Perfetti” method), particularly useful in case of stroke with hemiplegia and spasticity, because it stimulates memory , perception and attention . If we are dealing with injuries that include a limb, they can also use Mirror Therapy techniques , which are based on the idea of ​​“tricking” the brain by working simultaneously and symmetrically with both limbs. Then there is the so-called “Bobath” method which exploits the techniques of “problem solving” in patients with neurological diseases by leveraging the remaining skills.

Other areas where physiotherapy is useful

Respiratory physiotherapy . There are pathologies such as cystic fibrosis , pneumonia , bronchiectasis , lung abscesses and neuromuscular diseases that can benefit from so-called respiratory physiotherapy, which consists of a series of external mechanical maneuvers to help drain respiratory secretions that you are unable to expel with cough. It is evident that these are not “massages” that everyone can do. To safely perform this type of maneuver involving the lungs it is necessary that they are performed by qualified persons. The procedure involves having the patient rotate while doing somesmall manual strokes by cupping the hands or with the aid of tools such as special vibrators, to dissolve and mobilize stagnant secretions.

Dermato-functional physiotherapy . Dermato-functional physiotherapy (also called Physio-Aesthetics), combines the rehabilitation techniques of physiotherapy and aesthetic medicine to treat imperfections such as cellulite, water retention and atony.

Postural physiotherapy . Many people walk, sit, work, using incorrect postures , which in the long run can lead to back pain, sciatica, neck pain. The physiotherapist proposes personal programs with various re-education exercises, starting with strengthening and stretching the muscles.

How to become a physiotherapist

To become a Physiotherapist and be licensed to practice the profession, it is necessary to have a Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy (Class L / SNT2) organized at the Faculty of Medicine of a University.
Access to the Degree Course in Physiotherapy is usually limited , and it is therefore necessary to pass an entrance test (there are special manuals where to study), which has a single date in all public universities in Italy. Alternatively, there are private universities that offer alternative dates. The degree (final exam) has the value of a State Exam enabling professional practice.
The three-year degree in Physiotherapy allows access to Master’s Degree Courses of the Rehabilitation Sciences Class of the Healthcare Professions (LM / SNT2), without educational debts, as well as first-level post-graduate professional university masters and various types of courses that do not require graduation.

What is the difference between a physiotherapist and an osteopath?

Operatively, osteopathy works in sports, postural, skeletal muscle and dentistry , collaborating with medical specialists and physiotherapists. He does not use treatment machinery, but a manual approach , just like physiotherapy, but he is not a graduate. There are currently no specific degree courses at Italian Public Universities where doctors operate and the question is debated, since there is no solid medical literature that highlights the advantage of osteopathy over physiotherapy.

In January 2020, the Osteopath is not yet a health profession operationally recognized by the Ministry of Health, although the law 3/2018 (Lorenzin law) has established the new health professions of osteopath and chiropractor. Currently this new figure is being examined by CSS, the Ministry and the State-Regions Conference. Once confirmation arrives, a specific decree will be drawn up for the establishment of a real degree course as a health profession, similar to that in physiotherapy.

It is therefore necessary to distinguish between osteopathic techniques – considered health activities – and the Osteopath as a professional figure and Osteopathyas a profession that wants to distinguish itself from physiotherapy. Osteopathic techniques are currently in Italy the exclusive competence of health professionals (doctors and physiotherapists), authorized by law to exercise. There are doctors and physiotherapists who practice these techniques while still being qualified, and people without a degree in medicine or physiotherapy who can practice osteopathy having followed courses open to all.

Consult the best structures that perform an osteopathic session:
The best hospitals for osteopathic sitting

Is the massage therapist a physiotherapist?

It depends. The massage therapy , or physiotherapeutic massages is a manual handling equipment of the body in order to maintain the physical well-being through postural and motor rehabilitation techniques. Massage physiotherapists with a three-year or two-year university degree obtained before March 17, 1999 were made equivalent to the title of Physiotherapist by the relative Ministerial Decree of July 27, 2000, therefore they were able to enroll in the register. The figure of the physiotherapist trained after 1999 is not attributable to any of those included in the list of health professions drawn up by the Ministry of Health. The massage therapist is however a qualified professional figure who can work in collaboration with doctors and physiotherapists for some activities.



Questions and answers


The physiotherapist is defined by the Ministry of Health as: “the health worker, in possession of an enabling university degree (a three-year degree in physiotherapy, without a medical degree, for this reason he is not defined as a doctor) who carries out independently with other health professionals, interventions for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in the areas of motor skills, superior cortical functions, and visceral ones resulting from pathological events, of various aetiology, congenital or acquired “. From a practical point of view, he acts on the basis of the diagnosis and indications of the physiatrist. The physiotherapist cannot make a diagnosis, prescribe diagnostic tests or drugs, or intervene surgically.


The physiatrist is the doctor who, after a degree in medicine, obtained a specialization in Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine. It treats non-surgical pathologies of the musculoskeletal and neuromotor systems, focusing on the functions of our body that are compromised, beyond walking. The physiatrist is also the one who coordinates the interventions of the orthopedic surgeon and physiotherapist and who draws up the Individual Rehabilitation Plan.


To become a Physiotherapist and be licensed to practice the profession, it is necessary to have a Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy (Class L / SNT2) organized at the Faculty of Medicine of a University. Access to the Degree Course in Physiotherapy is usually limited, and it is therefore necessary to pass an entrance test (there are special manuals where to study), which has a single date in all public universities in Italy. Alternatively, there are private universities that offer alternative dates. The degree (final test) has the value of a State Exam enabling professional practice.


by Abdullah Sam
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