Physics Equations at Enem

Knowing some of the main Physics formulas charged at Enem can help you take the test more easily. Most of the Physics questions in the Natural Sciences exam usually demand content from Mechanics, Electromagnetism and Thermodynamics. Below is a list of some of the equations you need to know to do well at Enem.

See also: What to study Physics for Enem?

Average speed – uniform movement

Use this formula to determine speed, position or time interval when the exercise indicates that something is moving at a constant speed:

 – average speed (m / s or km / h)
ΔS – displacement (m or km)
Δt – time interval (s or h)

When using this formula, remember that the unit of speed of the international system of units (SI) is the meter per second (m / s). If the speed provided by the exercise is in km / h, it is possible to convert it into m / s by dividing its value by 3.6 .

See also : How to transform meters per second to kilometers per hour?

Hourly function of uniform movement position

This is another way of writing the average speed formula . In it, variables such as end position, start position and time are related to body speed:

f – end position (m or km)
0 – start position (m or km)
v – average speed (m / s or km / h)
t – time (s or h)

Hourly function of uniformly accelerated motion position

We can determine the position of a body that moves with varying speed, that is, with constant acceleration using the hourly function of the position:

 – acceleration (m / s²)
0 – initial speed (m / s)

See also: Tips for the Enem Physics exam

Torricelli equation

The Torricelli equation is especially useful in cases where they are not told the time intervals in which a motion occurs. In such cases, we can use it to easily solve any problem where there is a constant acceleration:

Newton‘s second law

Newton’s second law is one of the fundamental equations of dynamics. It states that the resulting force on a body is equal to the product of its mass by its acceleration. Watch:

Legend :
R – resulting force (N)
a – acceleration (m / s²)
Δv – speed variation (m / s)

See also: What you need to know about Newton’s laws

Kinetic energy

When a body is in motion, we say that it has kinetic energy, energy linked to movement. To calculate the kinetic energy of a body, we must take into account its mass and speed in m / s. Watch:

C – kinetic energy (J)
m – mass (kg)

Gravitational potential energy

We use gravitational potential energy when we want to know the amount of energy stored in a body disposed at a height h from the ground. The formula used to calculate the potential gravitational energy is quite simple.


by Abdullah Sam
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