Phrases from the dear country


  • Touching words about the homeland
  • Short phrases about home
  • Influential quotes about the homeland
  • Tweets about home

The homeland is the most valuable thing that a person owns, as it is the only place in the land that remains dying for him at all times and times from the beginning of his life until his death, and he has great merit on his children and citizens. Without it, the human being would have no entity, no contentment of his soul at all, nor stability, and for those reasons God Almighty made his defense In spirit and blood is an imperative duty, as he made the initiative to protect and defend him against any aggressor or aggression, no matter how easy that is, the family and the school have an important role in the upbringing of the child from a young age to love his homeland so that he does not betray him, just as presenting a school radio about the homeland has a tremendous entrenching role That value is the soul and mind of the child.

Touching words about the homeland

God Almighty linked the love of one’s country with the love of the soul, which is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an in the Almighty’s saying (and if I had decreed that we should kill yourselves or get out of your homes, then He is the one to whom He will do so). He lives there and belongs to him, where the child in which a person’s country is called is called the motherland. [1] The following are expressions of love for the homeland:

  • The homeland is that warm embrace with which its citizens smell the scent of mother and the safety of the father.
  • There is no happiness in life more than staying in the arms of the homeland and enjoying its freedom and the sweetness of its land.
  • There is no defeat for the world as long as its children are its protectors, for it is dear to the heart of the honorable among them, they protect it with spirit and blood.
  • Love of the homeland has no alternative or compensation, and it is not a claim but a reality that has been witnessed for a long time, and protecting it is a noble and noble goal.
  • Whoever drinks from the nation’s water and is absent from it will remain throughout his life, eager to return to it and be watered again.
  • The homeland is the most beautiful verse in the universe’s poems, and it is all directions for those looking for a stable and direction.
  • The homeland is the love that was planted in the heart and was not made. It is a love that is far from interests and free from any hatred or rancor.
  • The homeland is that remaining reality that does not change even if its citizens change, its people will disappear, but it is the only one who remains.

Short phrases about home

Because of the great and great importance of the homeland, schools are always keen to put forward a topic of expression about the homeland, so that through preparing and researching it, they can reach knowledge of the concept of the homeland without effort or many attempts to explain and clarify, which can also be done by doing constructive work on The homeland, in which phrases about the homeland are mentioned, such as the following:

  • No matter how much people discover the world and see many countries, their homeland remains the sweetest in Henne and the most precious in his heart at all times and everywhere.
  • There is no place in a citizen’s heart that is more precious and more important than his homeland, as one handful of his soil is more precious than the treasure of gold.
  • Even if a person leaves his homeland, his soul remains attached to him and is captive to his land and finds its freedom only by returning to it.
  • Alienation has a high price that only those who leave the land of their homeland can realize, for the poor are rich and the rich are far from poor.
  • The homeland is not only heaven and earth, but it is an indivisible part of the fabric of each of its sons who are its citizens and family.
  • A citizen’s dreams and hopes were built and grown in the roads of his homeland, and our best friends we have known them in light of his sky, it is a love that stays in the heart by nature.
  • The homeland is glory, honor, and a fortress in which its children take refuge and seek refuge in it to escape the hardship and cruelty of life.

Influential quotes about the homeland

There is no expression of the homeland and love for the homeland from faith, although it is a weak and false hadith that was attributed to the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. if I wrote them to kill yourself or get out of your homes) and an indication that the love of the homeland , although it was not coupled with faith, but it shows how a loving home in the hearts of their children [2] , the following mention the most prominent sayings of celebrities the world both of them from their homeland:

  • The homeland is a good tree that grows only on the soil of sacrifices and is watered with sweat and blood. Winston Churchill.
  • When an ignorant person catches a pen, a rifle is a criminal, and power is a traitor, the homeland turns into a forest that is unfit for human life. Mustafa El Sebaei
  • Where freedom is home. Benjamin Franklin
  • Martyrdom for the sake of the nation is not a bad fate, it is an eternity in a wonderful death. “Cornay”
  • It is nice for a person to die for the sake of his homeland, but it is more beautiful to live for the sake of this country. Thomas Carlyle
  • My country is not always right, but I can only exercise a true right in my country. “Mahmoud Darwish”
  • There is no happiness for me more than the freedom of my country. “Ilum Karimov”
  • Home is the place we love, it is where our feet may leave but our hearts remain. Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • When the nation is in danger, all of its children are soldiers. “La Corder”

Tweets about home

  • I am not sorry that I only have one soul and I am not hesitant to sacrifice it for the sake of my homeland.
  • When the nation is exposed to danger, all of its sons become its soldiers, ready to sacrifice for it. They are a group that lives in one land that includes the living and the dead from its children until the end of life.
  • The nation kills tears, but lives in blood, and it is the soul and heart of its citizens, and their body is like trees without paper, and the body without the soul.
  • The homeland is not just a word, but it is a great and many meanings, including pride and pride, as it gives its children an identity that makes them hold their heads up, something that only every citizen feels loyal and loving to his homeland.
  • Loving the homeland is not a poem or a word that is spoken and praised by poets, but rather an act and an act, since when it is said I love you, O my country, it is necessary to make effort in order to preserve its beauty and freedom, and work to increase its prestige and progress.
  • When the nation is said to be more precious than the soul, it must be defended and the soul expended until the last drop of a person’s blood and the last day of his life. He who is without a homeland is homeless will resort to it and will not have an embrace.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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